Christianity is NOT Churchianity

If Christians are to be disciples, then pastors have to be disciple makers. In any City where there are a number of churches, pastors should be getting together regularly for prayer, for witnessing, for Bible teaching in order to focus on TRAINING DISCIPLES. And they should be taking their church disciples out to the street to WITNESS the victory of the cross, REGULARLY. Christianity cannot be lived out in church, once a week. Nothing about discipleship points to a once-a-week meeting. 

When Paul was talking to the Corinthians and reprimanding them for promoting division where they were saying “I am of Paul, or “I am of Apollos”, he was basically saying why are you trying to start nominations, why are you trying to be divided? There’s only ONE gospel, the one that is lived out. DONE with denominations. ONE body…

Jesus said “If any man will come after me let him first deny himself” (Lk 9:23). And the reason he said that is because unless you die to your ego, you cannot find, nor live out your God-given purpose and destiny. Discipleship is essentially dying to oneself so that Christ may live in you. This is precisely the “mystery of the Gospel” which Paul insisted on repeating, “CHRIST IN ME, the hope of glory”. He said ” I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet NOT I, but Christ lives in me” (Gal 2:20

God no longer lives in a box. His Temple, his Tabernacle is YOU. The victory of the cross is the fact that there are now thousands upon thousands of Jesus Christs walking around the world pushing against the kingdom of darkness. Why? Because the WINNER now actually lives inside each one of us, and we’re made enforcers of the victory of the cross on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus has paid for the full reconciliation of man to the Father. All men can now be made sons of God through the victory of the cross. How can this news stay in the four walls of the church? 

The “glitch” in the programming of human-nature caused by the fall of man has been eliminated once and for all through the victory that Jesus won over the devil. What man lost in the garden when his spirit died and consequently man was separated from his Father and Creator, was then redeemed by Christ, and returned to man when Jesus reconciled man to God.

Peter said that Jesus came for the purpose of destroying the works of the devil. And He gave us the same power through the Holy Ghost living in us, and the same authority to also destroy sickness, disease, demon possession and any other work of the devil. Jesus came to give back to man the full identity which was first given to Adam: that is to have an ongoing and intimate relationship with the Father, AND to have full dominion and rulership over the earth –Man, not the devil. –Now, THIS is good news….!

So why would pastors and why would any Christian for that matter, keep this news to themselves, or divide the body of Christ into denominations that would dilute or pollute this NEWS? That makes NO SENSE. 

The biggest victory ever won in all history of mankind, so BIG that the calendar of the entire world was adapted to this victory. A victory so important that it changed the dynamics of LIFE itself. A victory that eliminated death! Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the LIFE. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he LIVE: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall NEVER die” (Jn 11:25, 26). 

A victory that repurposed and reoriented man’s destiny to live a FULL and abundant life; meaning a life filled with purpose, joy, happiness, peace and fulfilment. Jesus said plainly, “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it” (Lk 9:24)

That victory made it so that you could defeat death NOW, and enter eternal life even while living on earth; that you could live in the kingdom of God even while on earth and in fact be empowered to bring the kingdom of God on earth now. Now, that is POWERFUL NEWS.

So, pastors and Christians alike, let’s COMMIT to sharing this good news with the world. You cannot say you believe it unless you live it. Faith without works is dead; meaning it has no power if it stays within the walls of the church. Christianity is alive, vibrant and bold. Anything shy of that is “churchianity”. Jesus said you cannot be a hearer only. You must be a DOER. We are “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that we may PROCLAIM the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1Pt 2:9).

We’re called to bear FRUIT (Jn 15:16) and let that “good news” be made known. We’re called to be “fishers of men” (Mat 4:19). Jesus said “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Mt 9:37-38). So it’s not an option… It’s a command. He basically said “you’re not my family unless you do the will of my Father” (Mat 12:48-50). And James said, “if you’re not a DOER, you’re deceived” (Jam 1:22-25)

Christianity is a call to join the army of God and put on the armor and fight (Eph 6:13-16)… And WIN!