You’re made to DREAM and to CREATE

        To have a dream is more than a simple wish. It is a deep craving, an intense longing. Dreaming is an excitement in the inner man.  It is an intense desire that takes lukewarmness out of life. Dreaming is not plaintive and beggarly. It is filled with passion and assurance. 

        Two things are intolerable to God: insincerity (Mt 23:28) and lukewarmness (Rev 3:16); lack of heart and lack of heat. 

        It is the people who refuse to quit that make it to the finish line. Your carnal mind will fight your dreams, but we must listen to our heart. God has a plan for all of us- -a destiny of integrity and excellence. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jer 29:11-13)

        We limit God in our thoughts because the mind sees the impossibilities. But God is a God of possibilities. God has given us a powerful mind  and we are capable of doing anything, because we “can do all things through Christ” (Phil 4:13).  

        But there’s a price to pay. We must learn to lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb 12:2). We must learn to let go of the things that will not matter in the end. We must look past the pain to the payoff. “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (Ps 37:4)“He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday” (Ps 37:4,6). That is the power that faith has. We can believe beyond our feelings because God has given man the ability to visualize things that are not (yet). 

        Our imagination is one of the strongest weapons we have because it’s an image maker. We must learn to use our imagination to meditate on the things of God. In other words, in focusing on the promises of God, we make our feelings obey the destiny God has for us in His Word. Meditation is a desire to absorb and to receive to the point of becoming; it’s not mere observation, it’s a discipline of change. We must visualize ourselves succeeding on the inside before we can see it on the outside. We can understand deep thoughts if we meditate on them and imagine them in our heart. 

        Actually, we can’t move any further in life until we visualize ourselves there. You will not give birth to what is inside of you until you conceive it in your imagination; you have to see yourself healed before you can be healed, you have to see yourself prosperous before you can reach your success. And when we speak the Word aloud to ourselves, it brings what’s on the inside of us to reality on the outside. There’s something about the vibration of our voice that has creative power when we speak out your faith, “Faith comes by hearing” (Rom 10:17). 

        The ability to visualize a scripture into a picture makes it come from the spiritual to the physical. Through meditation on God’s Word, you can literally bring every thought into the reality of what Christ says about you and your potential. Meditation is positive ‘worry’, if you may. The same part of you that worries is the part of you that meditates. Keep your mind stayed on God’s Word and see yourself succeeding. 

        Read and re-read Psalm 1 to yourself regularly. Let the sponge of your imagination soak in as much Word as possible and visualize the change in you; you will then be able to refute all evil imaginations trying to come inside of you. That is why the Bible says that we must “keep all of our thoughts into captivity, to the obedience of Christ” (1 Cor 10:5). The Word says, “If you observe lying vanities, you forsake your own mercies” (Jonah 2:8).  

        So let the Word of God release its LIFE inside of you. It’s a seed that you plant in your heart, and watered by your faith, by and by it takes root. (See the parable of the sower — Mat 13.)