Live Courageously

Live BIG

        God wants us to live courageously and victoriously. If we live in fear we live a small life, because fear causes us to stop and do nothing; the more we rehearse our problems, the bigger they will grow. Fear prevents forward progress. We fear criticism, exposure, the unknown, etc. Send faith to answer when they come to your door. Rehearse the promises and the possibilities of God for your life.

        Our brain was not made for negativity, nor can it handle it. The Word says, “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (Phil4:8) and discipline your mind not to think otherwise.

        If you want to know God’s will for your life, stick your nose in His Word every single day. Make it your top priority to spend time with God every day. God wants to be at the center of your life; not just a part, not the extra bits, but the nucleus. “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Pr 3:6).

        Remember, you will center your life on something. If it’s not God, it’ll be some idol that will lead you astray and into living an unfruitful life. Nothing else but God’s Word is strong enough to hold you and your dream together. “Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established” (Pr 16:3)

        The Word of God will EVEN make you smart, smarter than your teachers. “I have more understanding than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation” (Ps 119:99). His Word is alive and powerful and will lift your life into a destiny that you never could have dreamed of. Read Psalm 119 regularly in order to understand the full power of God’s Word in your life. 

        God is all powerful for you, nothing is impossible to you. Abide in Him and then, “ask and you shall receive” (Jn 15:7). Discipline your life to the study of the Word and be consistent and give it all you’ve got. Be all in, and persevere. Perseverance is faith under endurance. Jesus told Peter, “I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail” (Lk 22:32). 

        Remember you won’t go through life alone, not in your name alone, but in Jesus’s name, filled with His Spirit. He’s given us the power of attorney to use His name. This means you can face obstacles using His credit card, if you may; using His power and His authority. It’s all in the new contract created through the power of the Cross. 

        So let’s not limit God by our small thinking (Ps 78:41). Read His Word and dig out those universal laws created for you. You will discover those laws that will work for you. Remember they’re laws of God and they work always, all ways.

        Just dare to trust God and not your own strength, but “trust in the Lord always” (Pro 3:5). Don’t trust in your war horse (your own abilities) to give you victory (see Ps 33:17,18). Regardless of how weak or how old you are, you can still make the rest of your life the best of your life

        Christianity is not a comfortable life, it is a classroom towards the greater goal of life; to learn unselfishness. The whole Bible can be condensed into two sentences: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mk 12:30,31). We find our life by losing it, for the benefit of God and others (see Jn 12:24; Lk 9:23). All the trials of life are to teach us to live unselfishly and be more like Jesus (Ro 8:28). A life of giving and loving.

        We were made in love by a God of love and are meant to live a life of love, for love, through love, and in love in order to give love. Nothing else will be as fulfilling. So why settle for less. Remain a student, a learner and a doer of the discipline of Christ, your whole life. 

        Live your life BIG.

        Don’t fake it, FAITH it, and DREAM BIG.