Dear Latino Friend, We Need You

We visited a “PULGA”

My wife and I spent the last 10 days in Austin Texas where we were able to attend the “South by South West” Music festival. And because we were looking for a gathering of children since I usually Twist balloons for kids, which gives us an opportunity to talk to parents about raising kids, we were directed to a Latino gathering which was essentially an outside market, also known as a “Pulga”.

Both Linda and I happen to love Mexican food, so the thought sounded really good. We had been told that there would be a lot of children and so we got all ready with a little make-shift stand and since I was on stilts, we got a  lot of attention.

        We spent the day talking to all those Latin immigrants. I don’t want to say “mexicans” since there were Latinos from just about every country in central America along with many Mexicans. The manager of the market (a lady born and raised in the same town as where we were missionaries, when in Mexico) was quite amazed that we were there… For one, we were the only “white” vendors at the market, and then I was on stilts. And what’s more, we were distributing “posters” with Christian scriptures on them.

She took a video of Linda and I and proceeded to forward it to the owner of the market. Unbeknownst to us, the owner was not Latino but a native of Texas, and he decided to come to the market to see what we were all about.

When he came to our stand, we started talking to him about the Lord, as we do with everyone, and I found out that he also is a believer. He was so surprised that we were there to actually encourage the Latinos that are now targeted by the present US government, especially those who are here without papers.

We told him that we were very touched by the fact that many of these immigrants, even though illegally in the US, are in effect, the backbone of the workforce in this country.

In fact, everything that is being built or renovated in this country is done by Latinos. And we felt like encouraging them NOT to live in fear. We explained how FEAR can cause our worries and concerns to actually come to pass and that we should rather focus our hearts on FAITH that God could look after them, even in this difficult situation.

We actually wrote a message to the Latinos and printed a tract, that we distributed to all of them as they passed by our stand. The owner of the market was so touched that he posted it at the entrance of the market for all to see. Here it is below….

Dear Latino Friend, we need you!

In the current political climate, some Latinos are facing a number of difficulties in regards to their visas status in this country. But we want emphasize the fact that our latino friends actually contribute a lot to this country through your culture and your beautiful family values; all this brings a lot so to the United States.

For one, practically everything being built or repaired in this country is done by Latinos which helps the development and progress of this nation. You are essentially the workforce that keeps this country forward.

But there is so much more that Latinos contribute to the development of this country, that we are very grateful for. Did you know that your children are some of the best behaved which reflects in your faithfulness in raising them and respecting their family and elders; and that

stands as an example for our society. You have taught your young people respect for family and neighbors,and they know the importance of family values. And this ​​also bring much good to this country. Plus, Latinos get to do things together, play together, laugh together, dance, sing. Your music is a very beautiful part of your life. And we admire you for all this. In a nutshell, we know that God blesses you for all that you stand for.


So while many of you might be living with the fear of losing some of your family members or friends, due to the immigration tension at present, we want to let you know that we very much appreciate your contribution overall to our nation. And we hope that these present difficulties, will only be momentary; and that the current government will realize that the presence of Latinos is very important and necessary for the development and cultural improvement of our nation.

Therefore, do not fear. For one, fear always deprives you of the blessings of God. Pray with us this Prayer.

We love Latinos.

Prayer for our Latino friends

Dear God, help our Latino friends, not to live in fear of what might happen to them or their children. Fear is a trap that causes our mind to worry and overly concern ourselves. It actually shapes our thoughts into thinking that something bad will happen, and because of that, it may happen. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Pro.23:7)

          But FAITH is the antidote of fear. It helps keep our minds on the real things instead of what we THINK might happen, which is fear.

Help us to realize that God loves and appreciates us, and that He will never stop loving us. Help us to keep our mind, soul and spirit, on the promises of Psalm 91 filled with promises for our protection.

God’s Word is full of promises, which can only be activated when mixed with our faith. The promises of God’s Word are like cement. They are rock solid, when they are mixed with the water of our faith.

          God has put seeds in his word for all the blessings that he has promised for our lives and when you speak those words and mix them with faith, it combats fear. The blessings of your life are “locked” into the Word of God.  Those promises offer blessings on what “your hand findeth to do”, and on your unity and harmony, and your family values, all are part of God’s blessings towards you.

But there is one other principle and Law of God that works amazingly to bless your life. It is the power of YOUR words. He has given us the power to speak blessings upon our life and the more we speak what he says about us in His word, the more it comes to pass because His word has a seed in it. The same as a tree has the power to reproduce itself, so are your words able to impregnate your life with blessings or with cursing. “By your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned” (Mt 12:37).

          Our words are powerful. We should always speak the BLESSINGS of God upon our life, our family, our children, and our work and they will come to pass. “As a man thinketh in his Heart, so is he.” You life goes the way your mouth goes. Not the way the government votes, but the way that you speak your blessings upon your life. That is the power that God gave us. Use YOUR words to bless YOUR life. “I call heaven and earth as witnesses towards you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live”. (Deut 30:19)

So dear God, help us to hold on to you during this time of uncertainty and doubt, because God, our Lord, will never change. His love for us is never uncertain. And his divine mercy is renewed to us every morning. Help us dear God, to speak your words of blessings upon ourselves, and put our faith and trust in you, and nothing else.
