In baseball, the referee is called the umpire. He’s an arbitrary ruler who calls the shots.

The bible says, “let the peace of God be the umpire in your heart” (Cole:15).

In decision making, there are usually many variable options, but the one that falls in line with God’s will is usually the one that provides the most peace in your heart.

In my case, when trying to make an important decision, I will toss a number of options around all throughout the day, but then commit it to the Lord before I go to bed. Oftentimes I will wake up at night, not having peace about a potential option or decision and that to me is the barometer. If I don’t have peace, regardless of everybody’s opinions, or of the consequences, I won’t move.

Jesus said, Peace, I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, give I to you. Don’t let your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful” (Jn15:27). Biblical peace is more than just a lack of stress; it is more than a state of tranquility; it’s trust and love completed in one’s heart. It is knowing that God is on your side, and that He wants nothing but the very best for you.

One of the many names of God is Yahweh Shalom (Judges 6:24). His name means the LORD Is Peace. He is the source of peace. The Bible talks about “peace that surpasses all understanding” (Phi 4:6) WOW… that’s AWESOME. Our faith in God dispels fear and conquers the evil one along with his lies, leaving us content in whatever life brings along.

When you look at a 3-year-old walking along, holding his father’s hand, it gives you a picture of trust and peace. That child has no fear, no concern, only peace. He is fully trusting in his father’s love.

Paul writes, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Phi 4:6-7). It’s a deep inner rest, a blissful relaxing trust, much like the carefree sleep of a child who has no worries because all their concerns are handled.

The Bible also says, “Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief” (Heb 4:11). “That” rest refers to the Sabbath rest; the finished work of God.

        It is the REST that comes from our reconciliation with God. It comes from the sacrifice that Jesus made to reunite us with our Father. “That” rest brings us into full peace, redeemed from all our sins, and reconciled to the Father. That sacrifice turned us from “slaves to sin” into fully “adopted children of God”. That’s what “that Peace” is. That’s why it surpasses ALL understanding. It’s an eternal inner rest.

The reason we must “labor” to enter into “that rest” is because our mind is still carnal, constantly looking at the circumstances rather than seeing through the eyes of FAITH, at what Christ has already done to redeem us and to give us that PEACE.

        The carnal mind lives in UNBELIEF. The Bible says, “the carnal mind is enmity against God” (Rom 8:7). The English Standard translation puts it this way, “For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot”.

        This is the reason why we must labor, constantly making an effort to “exercise” our faith so that we walk not by sight.

        We live very stressful lives, constantly battling in our minds, either with the cares, decisions, worries or fears.  Our mind is not naturally in line with God’s will. We must discipline our thoughts in order to keep them in captivity to the obedience of God’s Word. It is only when we “force” our mind to see things in accordance to our faith, that we enter into “that peace” that surpasses all understanding: the Sabbath REST and PEACE provided by GOD’S grace in the New TESTAMENT.