The GREATEST Conspiracy

        When you listen to the mainstream media, and you hear about all that’s behind Covid-19, and all the lies we’re being fed by the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry, plus the indoctrination regarding sexual liberties directed to our kids, and so forth, you can’t help but wonder if there is a great conspiracy and plan behind it all. In fact, there are many different “conspiracy theories” that are becoming more verified and asserted by the day.

        The truth is that all those different conspiracies started many years ago. There’s been a plan in the works to destroy not only mankind, but the earth along with everything beautiful as we know it. In fact the world was overtaken many times throughout history by very powerful individuals and empires. Their goal was always to manipulate people according to their selfish purposes.

      But I found out that there’s an even greater conspiracy taking place, which I must tell YOU about. In spite of all the evil that has seeped in many governments throughout the world, there’s ALSO been a plan to revert man to his original state.

        The world, as we know it, is not near as beautiful as it was in its simpler, purer state even as recently as 100 years ago. But even before that, when the world was first created, it was paradisiacal.– Virtually heaven on earth! But it got corrupted from the start.

        The evil conspiracy started in the garden when Satan tried to take over the authority and dominion that God originally gave to MAN. And through disobedience, it was relinquished to Satan. Much like it’s happening nowadays where people don’t fight for their rights and consequently relinquish their rights voluntarily or involuntarily to the Big guys, simply by not standing up for what they know is right. You know the proverb right? For evil to prevail, all that good men need to do is, NOTHING.

      But anyhow, the greater conspiracy was engineered by God Himself. …Should man decide to disobey, which he did, (and still does), God planned to offer His only Son as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all men. That’s right, ALL the stupidity, ALL disobediences, ALL deviations and ALL mistakes and failures ever made on earth. And by so doing, man could skip the corruption of the world, and return to an Eden-like life, filled with truth, integrity, goodness and happiness. How COOL is that?

        HAHA… it’s actually quite funny. YOU can’t fool God. King David said that “God who sits in the heavens laughs at the kings of the earth; the Lord holds the nations in derision” (Ps 2:3-4).

        God  offered His gracious redemption and forgiveness to all men, by faith ONLY in that high price that His son paid for us. So we don’t have to be hoodwinked by the evil doers of this world, we don’t have to live in deception and confusion. He has given us a simple plan that ALL Mankind, all nations, all individuals can live by, and thereby live FREE. He said, “if you hold on to my teachings, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you FREE (Jn:32).

        Not only are we freed from the kingdom of darkness in making Christ our Lord and savior, but we’re given an instruction manual to help us stay free in soul and in spirit.

        In other words, the conspiracies of the evil doers of this world don’t have to affect you. Why, because He’s given man that same authority and dominion that was stolen from Adam.

        The same Christ who paid the high price to reconcile us with the Father, has been made Lord and King over heaven and EARTH and has given us His power of attorney. Meaning that by using His name and His authority, we HAVE the power over all the evil works of the devil. HERE and NOW

        And wait, that’s not all, he’s given us the AUTHORITY to rectify what all is not right on earth. We have the power to heal, to cast out demons, and plus, should we drink any deadly thing, or take a contaminated vaccine, it shall in no wise hurt us. Wow, what a plan…

      And there’s MORE… He’s ALSO given us to know the conspiracy plans of the evil guys… whhhaat??? Jesus himself spilled the beans on the devil’s plans in Matthew 24 . He even referred back to Daniel the prophet who ALSO was given the whole vision of the devil’s conspiracies.

        OH, and speaking of Daniel, he has lived under one of the worst world leaders ever, and was prohibited to even pray to God, but was asked to worship that guy… and guess what? He refused!!! And it caused him to be thrown into a den of ferocious lions. But they all turned into a bunch of “pussy cats” and he got to pet them all night. Ha!

        So it looks to me like we don’t really have to fear the evil conspiracies being plotted all around us. God’s plan and original conspiracy has overthrown all the tricks plotted against Him. So, the victory of the Cross over all evil is multiplied in each one of us. Millions of little Jesus pushing against the kingdom of darkness. The very gates of hell can’t prevail against us and the truth we proclaim –(Mat 16:18). Now that’s the greatest conspiracy ever. Ha! The devil had a plot but God had a plan.

        But He does expect us to STAND for Him though. He does expect us to read His Instruction Manual and to stand by it and live by it. In other words, like it is the case with many instruction manuals, if you don’t read it you can really mess things up. That’s exactly what’s going on with most of the world nowadays. They refuse to read the instructions, and pretend to know how to operate the world on their own without the help of the inventor and creator.

        God wants us to put our trust and our faith in Him. Faith is a STANCE. It means you trust in nothing else. And that’s how He will be able to stand by us for as long as we stand by Him. Jesus warned us not to be ashamed of Him and His words.

        It means putting our FULL TRUST in Him. Not just a little bit of trust on Sundays. We cannot, for instance, expect to overcome cancer if we can’t trust Him to overcome our headache.

      A lot has to do with us exercising our faith. Our faith is dead unless we work it out. The same as with our bodies, it needs exercise. If we don’t move, if we don’t exercise, we die. You’ve got to speak out your faith, and walk it out, as Daniel did in spite of opposition and rejection.

        I know it’s scary to see all of those conspiracies develop all around us. And they become even more obvious by the day. Everybody is lying to us. Especially the mainstream media… There will be a time soon when you will not be able to trust anything that is on TV. The same as it was under communist government in Russia, and in many other dictatorships.

        But trust in the BIGGER plan. God never intended to forsake us, nor to forget us. But He is looking for WINNERS who are not afraid to TRUST Him and to STAND UP for Him.

      We are called to be more than conquerors through Christ who paid the full price, and already WON. He won so big that we’ve all been given the same victory to live by and to enforce.

        So let’s not whim out in fear, but stand up in faith and make each of His promises given to us in His word REAL to each one of us; as real as holding a check in front of the bank teller.

        NOW is the time to live by faith and not by sight,

      NOW is the time to play our game by God’s rules, and not the world’s,

        NOW is the time to be separated from the world and cling to the Lord,

        NOW is the time to KNOW and embrace God’s Word,

        NOW is the time to deny ourselves that we may live His life,

        NOW is the time to spread our happiness in sharing light with others,

        NOW is the time to look to God and think only on the things of God,

        NOW is the time to discipline our minds so we’re not conformed to the world,

        NOW is the time to live holy so we’re not constantly contaminated by the world,

        NOW is the time to stand up for the truth of God and therewith refute the lies we’re being fed,

        NOW is the grand finale when those who KNOW their God will do exploits,

        NOW is the time when sin abounds and grace much more abounds,

        NOW is the dark times when light shines even brighter,

        NOW is the time to win through FAITH,

        NOW is the time to love and not hate,

        NOW is the time for us to endure until the end.



        We’re WINNING.


By Paul Joseph