Imagine If You BELIEVED…

        It says “all things are possible to him that believes”. What if you believed that? How would that change your life? What if you knew that you CAN’T FAIL? What if you could proceed as if SUCCESS is INEVITABLE? What if you could LIVE in the possible? Knowing that nothing is impossible to you.

        God is the God of the impossible. He kicks in when people say it’s impossible. In fact, unless it’s impossible, you don’t need God. That’s why faith pleases God. More than that, without faith it’s impossible to please God.

        You should rejoice when the doctor says it’s impossible… because then you can focus on God, and let go of all the other non-solutions. You can tune in to God’s possibilities. Focus on the Promises. Did you know that the promises of God are all impossible? They can ONLY work if you only believe. Only trust. TRUST only in them. Not after trying everything else.

        The POWER of “all things are possible” in your life is dependent on YOU, not on God. He’s given us all the possibilities in the Promises, but we are the ones who have got to SPEAK them into our lives. (BTW, those promises don’t work only for Christians, they shine for the just and the unjust; they were established before Adam fell; that’s why you see people in the world who succeed just by doing what God’s Word says.)

        He gave all of us the power of choice. God said, “See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. Choose LIFE”. Plus, he’s given us all the rules to live by, all the keys to success and told us that we’d be BLESSED to overflowing if we obey them and use them, and we’d be mightily cursed if we don’t. (Deut 30: 15-20).

He even said, “with man it’s impossible, but not with God, for ALL things are possible with God”. That means that if you live by the limitations of man, it’s impossible. But if you look to God and the keys to life that he’s given us, all things are possible. He’s even given us all the tricks to success and prosperity (Read the Proverbs). But He ALSO said that if you make prosperity your God, you’ll die. Money is not a God, it’s a servant.

        If you make it a habit to live in faith, you’ll live everyday to see another miracle. But if you live only according to your 5 senses, you’ll live looking at nothing but the drudgery of life. Faith is not an emotion, it’s a motion. The more you live in the Word the MORE you’re able to see and speak the impossible. But you can’t just visit the promises, you’ve got to live there, visualize them and stand on them. Make them yours.

        All through life, we accept the impossible. Consider how many things you’ve accepted in your life as impossible. “I’ll never be healed of this, or that relationship will never change, or I’ll never be able to buy a house, or I’ll always be struggling…”

        You can only meet God in faith. When you lift the limits off. And when you do, what was supposed to be impossible becomes possible. Faith is a decision to stretch. Faith involves courage and boldness. It requires believing in that crazy thing that nobody believes can be done. Before the 4-minute mile was ever done, people were told that your heart will explode within your chest if you try, it’s humanly impossible. But after it was done, 30 more people did it within 6 months. Everything is impossible till it’s done once. But the real winner is the FIRST one who believed that it could be done.

        Miracles are only reachable by faith, by stretching; by going further than you thought you could in your own strength. But when you TRUST God, every day becomes filled with MIRACLES. And the miracles hardly seem like miracles anymore because you see them every day. It’s called a life of blessings.

        EVERYbody has problems. Everybody has bills to pay, everybody has difficulties and possibilities in their life. But it’s those who look at impossibilities as possibilities who succeed. If you could do it on your own, you would not need God. You don’t need God to do the possible.

        Anyone who’s ever accomplished great things in life has had to believe BEYOND impossible. All the great army generals throughout history had one thing in common: they only studied the lives of other generals who did great things and thought, “if he did it, I can do it”. They did not look for excuses, they looked for “The Possible“.

        Doesn’t matter where you’re at. Go through the Bible, you’ll find somebody who got started with the same problem you’ve got. If you think you’re too old (Moses), too few (Gideon), too bad (David), too strong (Paul), too young (Joseph)… Read Hebrews 11. It’s the Hall of FAITH because they all made a decision of FAITH. –To believe they could trust God rather than the impossible.

        If you’re in a fellowship that tells you to “not get ahead of God”, move. Because God’s on the move. He wants to move you into the impossible. Or better yet, move those folks into the possibilities of God. God loves impossibilities. That’s where God lives. He’s the God of those who failed and decided to try again. He’s the God of 2nd and 5th and 50th chance. He loves a man/woman who won’t quit.

        People hate their job, hate their boss, hate their drudge and yet they accept it, because “it pays the bills”. They keep saying, “you just wait, one day, I’m gonna…”. Don’t wait till you’re retired to figure out what you’re gonna do with your life. Stop living in the “could’ve been”. Decide to live life to the fullest. It starts with stretching what you believe. Take the limits off God. He wants to show himself BIG in your life.

        If all you ever talk about is your debts, your kids’ problems, your spouse’s weaknesses, and your boredom, and “oh well, I wish we could start our own business”, you won’t pull out. You’ve got to SPEAK the possible. You’ve got to call the things that are not as though they were… God can only help you once you step out. God’s waiting for you to make a decision. Even if it’s the WRONG course. It’s easier to correct the course than to get you off the couch. The GPS can redirect you, but only ONCE you’re in motion. INDECISION is the worst illness.

        Jesus never told his followers to “hold out” till He returned. He said “occupy till I come”. When a war’s been won, the commander sends in troops to OCCUPY, which means to “enforce the victory”, not to hide out and wait.

        If you don’t live by FAITH, you’re not SAVED. Because it’s by Faith in the grace of God that you believe you’re saved. It takes the same faith to do the impossible as it does to get saved.

        So stop calling things impossible in your life. Start calling them DONE.

Just change the faith-breaker of your life. Every time you say, “oh, I can’t do that”, change the breaker. Go to 50amps.  Add grit to your faith and go ahead and do it. Live in the “can do, can be”.

By Paul Joseph