Thoughts on Christianity

If you want to understand the difference between Discipleship and church Christianity, it’s simple. They’re all on the same team. The Church Christians are fans of Jesus Christ. Whereas Christian disciples are players with Jesus Christ. Jesus has always had more fans than followers.

Faith makes a Christian. Life proves a Christian. Trial confirms a Christian. Death crowns a Christian.

Christ plus Christians equals Christianity.

If your Christianity won’t work where you are, it won’t work anywhere.

A Christian is not a person who has made a new start in life, but a person who has received a new life to start with.

If you are a Christian, you are not a citizen of this world trying to get to Heaven; you are a citizen of Heaven making your way through this world.

Two marks of a Christian: giving & forgiving.

Is my religion a steering wheel, or only a spare wheel?

Believers are not hired servants, supporting themselves by their own work, but children maintained at their Father’s expense.

Christianity is not about how to escape from the difficulties of life, but about how to face them.

Christianity is the story of how the rightful King has landed, you might say landed in disguise, & is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage.–C.S. Lewis

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, submit, commit, transmit.

It’s good to be a Christian & know it, but it’s better to be a Christian & show it.

A Christian is not necessarily a man who is better than someone else, but one who is better than he would be if he were not a Christian.

Some Christians wish to be counted in, but not to be counted on.

God is not only a present help in times of trouble, but also a great help in keeping us out of trouble.

A Christian has not lost the power to sin, but the desire to sin.

Satan is never too busy to rock the cradle of a sleeping Christian.

A real Christian is as horrified by his own sins as he is by his neighbour’s.

Definition of a Christian:

He loves the truth & stands by it;

He knows the game & he plays it;

He hears a lie & he slays it;

He loves God’s Word & he reads it;

He seeks God’s will & he heeds it.

If you want to defend Christianity, practice it.

Christianity requires the participants to come down out of the grandstand & onto the playing field.

Satan is perfectly willing to have a person confess Christianity as long as he does not practice it.

A Christian is one who makes it easier for other people to believe in God.

What most Christians need is fewer platitudes & better attitudes.

A lukewarm Christian makes a good bench-warmer but a poor heart-warmer.