Witnessing Our Faith

You cannot really be a Christian without manifesting your faith. You cannot really be filled with his light and hide it under a bushel. We as Christians must learn to make every encounter a divine appointment; knowing that God wants to love every person we meet. So if we are not used to witnessing our faith, we must ask the Lord to help us get over whatever hurdle is in the way.

Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mk 16:15-18)

Our testimony is our greatest witness when telling others about our faith. Once you have been exposed to the light, to true love and truth, we feel compelled to talk about it!

The Apostle Paul said, “The love of God compels me” (2Cor 5:14-15). God’s Spirit will show you those who are lost, and in your heart you will be drawn to bring them into God’s Kingdom also. So witnessing is simply testifying of the great joy and the awesome change that has taken place in your heart. In any court of law, witnesses are some of the most powerful assets to any case, because they are a firsthand account. It is the same in God’s Kingdom.

The great commission that Jesus has left us is the privilege to share with others the good news that Christ has come to redeem mankind, meaning that anyone can be reconciled to God, the father. And anyone can live the abundant life of the kingdom now, through faith in Jesus.

Plus, we get to be a light to the world and share His love and truth along with the joy, happiness and fulfilment that He brought into our hearts through our newborn nature. We get to share God’s grace with everyone we meet, so they too can live as enlightened a life as we live. They too can enter and enjoy the kingdom of heaven now. Is there any greater calling in life? It is both the greatest opportunity and the greatest responsibility. Because if we don’t, how else will they know?

The Bible says, “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them” (Pro 3:27). Every day God gives us opportunities to show kindness to people around us. Our choice is to be the light of the world or to be self-centered? Even a word of encouragement, a pat on the back, an errand done for them, any of those could mean a lot; it could mean God’s love manifested.

We’re ALL on a MISSION once we’ve come into God’s kingdom. People say, ‘I work at a secular job’. Actually, it’s only secular if we don’t bring God in it. But if we do, it becomes our MISSION. Since we are the light of the world, everyone we come in contact with is a ‘divine appointment’.

Christian parents have one of the greatest missions ever given to man, because they’re constantly imparting their values to their children. So in many respects, we’re all in full-time ministry.