
Remember when you became a Christian you turned over the steering wheel of your life to Christ. It is no longer you who lives but “Christ who lives in you” (Gal 2:20). To put it bluntly, you’re DEAD. What a victory!!! You can finally live out the destiny that God has for you by letting Jesus live through you. That means that your feelings are no longer yours, and you don’t get hurt as easily as you used to. In fact you don’t get angry, you don’t get bitter anymore, you don’t get jealous or envious, simply because your heart always prefers the happiness of others. That’s how we spell JOY: J = Jesus, O = Others, and Y = Yourself. JOY…That’s right, you come last.

Humility is the quality of putting the needs of another person before your own, and thinking of others first. Also it means not drawing attention to yourself and it can mean acknowledging that you are not always right. Humility doesn’t mean we think less of ourselves, but rather, we think of ourselves less.

So, ‘walking in humility’ would be making an effort to live by the Godly principles of putting other peoples’ needs, ideas and opinions before our own.

We usually tell newly Weds: “The secret to a happy marriage is simple: always make sure to make the other person happy. Don’t seek your own happiness, and then happiness will find you”. Remember, love was not put in our hearts to stay. Love is not love until you give it away.

The Word says that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. The goal is for us to walk in humility. Humility is being “other people centered”, which is to fulfill the law of love. The humble receives grace. We are supposed to submit ourselves to God, humble ourselves before God, resist pride, not to lean to our own understanding. That’s the path of humility.

Any and all sins have some pride in it. Satan fell because of pride (Is 14:12-16). The proud puts himself first. Therefore he is selfish, stubborn, will not forgive, but will keep a grudge, which makes him judgmental. He will easily gossip and slander to boost his ego. He is his own legend. He values his own opinion more than others’ and therefore manipulates and even intimidates others.

The proud are easily angry. There are so many pitfalls to pride. The proud is the most insecure of all people. We think that pride makes us bigger, but in actual fact it diminishes us. It diminishes our capacity to give and to receive. The Bible says that “pride comes before a fall”.

Pride is often sneaky because it hides in false humility. He is proud to be humble; holy humble, and proud of it. And because he depends on his own strength, he cannot cast his burdens on the Lord and depend utterly on Him. Pride is very dangerous in the Lord’s kingdom.