God expects us to walk in integrity. The Bible refers to integrity as “the pure in heart” or “blameless”. It doesn’t mean sinless or perfect. God is more interested in the direction of our hearts, in our motives more than in what we do. He wants us to be TRUE, THROUGH AND THROUGH. He’s interested in building our CHARACTER

Our lives should not be departmentalized whereby we are one person in career, a different person in family, yet a different person with friends, and again different in business. INTEGRITY means you are who you are before whoever. You wear no mask

Your reputation before man should be the same as it is before God. “He who walks with integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will become known” (Pro 10:9)

The person who walks in integrity speaks truth from his heart, he refuses to slander others, will not listen to gossip, will not cast slur on his fellow man, will honor those who fear the Lord and will keep his promise even if it hurts him. He will also lend money freely without interest (Ex 22:25) and will not be bribed by money, compliments or favors (Pro 6:25). God expects every area of our life to be treated with the same excellence of character. It is an excellent spirit that gets promotion (Luke 16:11). 

Joseph had an excellent spirit even in the worst of situations. He was serving God not Potiphar; he had an excellent spirit in jail which led him to be in charge of the jail. He had an excellent spirit when he was second in command of the mightiest nation on earth. 

God is looking for the right attitude to promote. He will use anyone with the right attitude (Psalm 75:6, 7). It is God who promotes. And He gives it to the humble and to the faithful. God is no respecter of persons. 

Daniel also was faithful to God from his youth and consequently God gave him favor and wisdom above all sages. So it doesn’t all have to do with how smart we are, or how educated we are, but with our excellence of spirit (1 Cor 1:26).  

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. —Col 3:23