The Way to WORK it. (Understanding the new man-Part 12)

In the last few days we have been through a series of DAILY MEDS explaining the VICTORY of the new man and how the old man is DEAD. And how the victory of the Christian is in living in full possession of Christ.

Meaning that we should be FULLY possessed by Christ.

Yesterday on a Zoom call with other Christians, someone asked the question in regards to a health problem that persists. This man and his wife have been battling some health issues, wIth recurring pain which they have prayed against fervently, but still the pain persists, and they even had to go to the doctor at times. Unfortunately the doctor was  unable to find what the problem was, and they had to resort to some strong painkillers.

In a few words, the question was, WHAT to do when the problem persists?

I would like to take that question to another level.

As we all know, we’re NOW living in the end time. The world is getting worse and worse, and it’s getting to be harder and harder to live for Christ and to stand up for our faith. We know that Christians are going to get ridiculed and persecuted more and more for their faith.

If you stand up for one thing, you will eventually need to stand for everything that is true and worth holding on to. If we should stand against abortion, or against homosexuality, or against evolution, will we not eventually need to stand against them ALL, at once?

So the ultimate question is HOW will we stand?

Right now, governments all over the world are enforcing serious regulations which in many cases violate people’s rights.

Similar situations have occurred throughout history. People have had to live under very evil regimes. Throughout the Bible, the Israelites have had to endure very difficult hardships. Daniel did when living in Babylon when he was expected to worship Nebuchadnezzar. David did when living under Saul, having to constantly run for his life. Mordecai did, and we could name so many others.

So, how do we STAND against evil? Ongoing chronic pain is an evil similar to an ongoing government’s oppression. They’re all the devil’s works. How can we look to, and trust God through all those times? …In the “meantimes“, when the times are mean.

And this is the main reason why I wanted to expand on the Victory of the New Man with you. The new man in Christ is a WINNER, a CONQUEROR.

David was a winner even when hiding in the caves of Abdulum fearing for his life.

Daniel was a winner even when kneeling in his room in prayer, facing persecution and eventual death. Paul went through so many hardships, but he ran the race as a WINNER.

In every situation when people stood their ground for Christ, the Lord came through for them.

My wife and I have also had different health issues that we’ve prayed against without seeing the expected results yet. But we have committed ourselves to ATTACK the devil through PRAISE every time the pain returns. Every single time the pain returns, we BUST OUT IN PRAISE and thank the Lord for all that He has done for us.

We have made a list of all His blessings to us, and of all His love has done for us. And we bust out with that list every time the devil comes back at us. And IT WORKS WONDERS. For two reasons:

  1. It gets our eyes off the pain, and
  2. We rub the goodness of God in the devil’s face.

One other thing that you can do is to make yourself a “jewel box” in your heart of 1 or 2, or 10 scriptures that you know in your heart work for you, that you can stand on firmly, that you can use every time, that you know will defeat the devil. You don’t need 100 of them. Only one verse will defeat the devil. Jesus used only one against every temptation of the devil in the wilderness. Just select the one(s) you like the most and use them to STAND.

Claim the Word and STAND. Linda and I stand on our STANCE of faith. We make a concerted effort to turn to God to stand by us and with us. We remind ourselves that we have authority over all the power of the devil. We keep our thoughts in subjection to what Christ has said about us and what He has done for us.

Brothers and sisters, we need to stand for Christ NOW, and every day, if we plan to STAND in the end. Standing is what we do. We don’t just “wait on the Lord” to come through. Waiting is passive, but STANDING is an ACTION. We stand with the Lord’s victory and for the Lord. Let’s not be passive Christians, but DOERS of the Word.

Remember the WAR is in the MIND. If the devil can get you to doubt and question, he’s got you defeated. Watch your MOUTH and watch your THOUGHTS. God expects us to keep standing. And we do so by PRAISING.

Once we’ve prayed, we don’t pray again, we PRAISE! — not only to remind ourselves of God’s goodness but also to remind the devil of his defeat… Ha!

You may be thinking, “you mean to tell me that I can overcome the attacks of the government against our Liberty simply by praising?” What I mean is whatever you do, STAND. Don’t focus on the bad of the world, don’t let the devil conquer your mind. Look to God, keep your mind on God and stand on what you believe, and don’t budge till God comes through for you. The victory comes with your fighting for it.

It won’t be easier tomorrow, the problems will persist. But it will be easier to STAND tomorrow if we’re in the habit of STANDING today and every day. Don’t let go of YOUR victory.

STAND in (and) PRAISE !