The VICTORY of the NEW MAN (Understanding the new man. Part 11)

I want to do a quick recapitalisation of the 10 different chapters on this discussion regarding “Understanding the NEW MAN” to help you understand where we now stand in the spirit.

First we’ve brought out how man was deceived by the devil in the garden. Man was told that he could be as God on his own, if he ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In other words, by disobeying God, man could be greater and more knowledgeable than he was. And that was his downfall and it’s caused all mankind to be born with a root of rebellion and disobedience in their heart.

Then we covered how THAT REBEL in us cannot just be simply patched over, re-trained or religionized or self-improved. God’s solution was not a revamp, but the execution of the rebellious and sin-full “old man”. The fact that we are all sinners and consequently ALL GUILTY, we were all condemned. Just like Barabbas, we should have been the one(s) executed!

But instead Jesus took our place and paid the full price for all men to be redeemed and reconciled to the Father! That’s the AWESOME victory of the cross and Christ’s resurrection which made Him the King. He said “all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” (Matthew 28:18). He brought man back to the beginning, to his original destiny and purpose, where man had dominion on earth… and back to the intimacy with the Father, and back to the image of God.

To that effect, Jesus told us to imitate Him as He imitated the Father. And he sent us His spirit, the Holy Spirit, to be with us and guide us and strengthen us and empower us. So that we could be just like Jesus.

…And the MYSTERY of the AGES was REVEALED–Christ in us and through us!

Then before ascending into heaven, He gave us His authority so that we could replicate and multiply His image and His works. He deputized us and gave us His name and “power of attorney” to destroy the works of the devil. He sent us to be His ambassadors, not only as winners but as “more than conquerors”.

Basically he’s made us His own SWAT team, with all of the power and the ability needed to accomplish all that He did. He even said ” these works (miracles) you will do and even greater works than I did you will do”. (John 14:12)

He gave us “power over all the power of the devil”(Luke 10:19), so that we can win the MIND-WAR which is where the devil operates, to try to defeat us by keeping condemned or accused, and thereby render us ineffective before we even start to OBEY and carry out the commandments of Jesus.

And in our last chapter, we have covered how we can actually ACTIVATE our victories by speaking His Word and by PRAISING Him through everything. In other words, our OUTSPOKEN testimony, our OUTSPOKEN PRAISE and our OUTSPOKEN affirmation make an actual STAND against the lies of the enemy.

The REASON for explaining the process of what took place in history was to show how God had a PLAN from the beginning for man to return to his powerful state of being, spiritually here on this Earth. We’ve regained that which was lost, our powerful spirit and our original image.

That’s how the NEW MAN is empowered through full possession of God’s spirit living in him. All that Christ was, is now in us. That’s what being born again means. Christ now lives in us. We, as a new man, are fully possessed by Christ.

The old man is DEAD.

And by reminding the devil of His VICTORY, all that we have and are through Christ, we can never lose. We are made to be more than CONQUERORS through Christ.

So HERE’S where I am going with all this…

The life of the Christian is a VICTORIOUS LIFE. It’s not hardship, deprivation, pain and constant difficulties. We are HID in Christ’s victory and the devil cannot hit us if we stay in Christ. Hence the need to live in the Kingdom all day long. We cannot live on the fence with one foot in the world and one in the Kingdom of Light, and keep wondering “why it’s not working”.

We have to be fully dedicated, fully possessed by Christ. And there lies that victory, everyday, all day, in all ways, and ALWAYS. The Word works if we work it. We must be DOERS.

That means that if we are fully convinced in our own heart, and fully walking in the new identity, and exercising the power that God has given us, WE JUST CAN’T LOSE.

There are 101 sermons out there about the “spiritual warfare”, and how we have to “wait on the Lord”, and how we need to “fight through the valley of Bacca”, and how God’s “dealing with us” and on and on and on. But in actual fact, we HAVE the VICTORY, NOW. We’re not marching towards the victory, we are walking from a victory and we can walk in full triumphant attire and attitude. And that’s what the life the Christian disciple is about.

I’m not that interested in the many sermons that we all hear week after week, church after church, and yet we continue to walk as defeated Christians in a world that’s overcoming us. That is NOT the portrait of Christianity and we need to get rid of that image.

We are fully possessed by Christ’s Spirit and we are fully empowered as disciples. And I would like us, from hereon, to change our thought pattern as DOERS of the WORD. We cannot be empowered unless we DO the Word. If you do the Word, you do the works. The miracles come from obeying the Word.