We’re God’s SWAT team ! (Understanding the NEW MAN –Part 8)

Let’s remember Jesus has already defeated Satan at the cross. That was Satan’s total, permanent, irreversible defeat.

Jesus has disarmed Satan’s powers and whatever authority he may have over us. He made a public spectacle, triumphing over him by the cross. “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” (Col 2:15). Satan’s main weapon against us was guilt (accusing us as sinners), but Jesus deprived him of that weapon by forgiving our sins at the cross. We no longer have that sin-nature.

God canceled the written code, the law and its requirements, because we could never make those requirements. The law was nailed to the cross when Jesus died on our behalf, as our representative. Jesus paid the final penalty for all who had broken the law. Therefore we are no longer subject to the requirements of the law. We can now come to God on the basis of our FAITH in the death of Jesus. Or faith is credited to us as righteousness.

“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins(Colossians 1:13-14).

We’re now living in the Kingdom of light and are sent by God as His representatives, HIS ARMY to charge against the forces of darkness in order to administer the victory that Jesus won.

We’ve been “ordained“, and “deputized“. All believers have been given THAT AUTHORITY to fight against the forces of evil, NOW.

Why? We are living in the Kingdom of Light, NOW, and while we still live in a world which is filled with lies, darkness, confusion and mind-pollution, we have the victory in Christ along with the Words of Life and Truth to use as our weapons. NOW !

Let’s remember that Truth has power over lies the same as Light has power over darkness.  We know that the devil is the prince of darkness, and that Jesus is the TRUTH.

The apostle Paul says in Romans 12:21: be not overcome with evil but overcome evil with good. In other words it is within our power to overcome and be WINNERS, NOW !

Yes, THERE’S A WAR ON. We’re assigned to enforce the VICTORY won by Jesus, and claim back the souls that the devil keeps stealing from God.

We know that the enemy is a deceiver, an accuser, and a liar who comes for the sole purpose of stealing, killing and destroying. And his main tactics are to deceive, tempt, entice and accuse. That’s who and what we’re fighting against. He’s the real terrorist in this world.

And we’ve been deputized as SWAT officers. We’re in a Spiritual Warfare Against Terror… Satan is the one terrorizing God’s children. We’re a Spiritual Warfare Attack Team.

Ephesians 6:12 says, “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”.

Our war is a spiritual war. We have to WIN THE WAR in the spiritual realm first, and in order to do so, our minds have to be renewed so that we can walk in the full identity of who we are in God’s Kingdom.

Once we know and are fully aware of the devil’s devices, it’s pretty easy to make a clear distinction in our thoughts and hearts and know whether we’re listening to God or the devil. And if our thoughts are of the devil they can be overcome with TRUTH.

We know the truth is God’s WORD. And that God’s Word is an incorruptible seed which is bound to result in good fruits. The Word is the most powerful weapon we have against the forces of Satan. Even Jesus in the wilderness, used the WORD in order to refute and rebuke the devil. (Matthew 4:3)

2 Cor 10: 4, 5 says that “Our weapons are spiritual, they’re divinely powerful to the destruction of fortresses of satan. We are destroying speculations and every lofty idea raised up against the knowledge of God.

In our next chapter, we’ll discuss how to win the mind war