How YOUR miracles will HAPPEN. (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 2)

I told you that I would try to lead you through the number of exercises to spell out the different disciplines of a disciple. To be a Christian requires following Christ. –Essentially, to be imitators of Christ.

This next one is one of the most powerful tools in the DISCIPLE’S ARSENAL, and we must learn HOW to use it and use it all the time.

For the longest time, I saw myself as a begging missionary. I was involved in different aspects of missionary work for a number of years, but I always saw myself “in need”. Never could I have conceived the thought that I could be a GIVER or a LENDER, yet the Bible says very specifically that we are supposed to be “the head and not the tail, givers and not beggars, lenders and not borrowers” (Deut 28:13).

That fear and that troublesome worry somehow got my wife and I weighed down with a $30,000 debt a few years ago which we just didn’t know how we could ever repay.

(By the way, debts are very dangerous because they’re twice as hard to repay;– because while you have to work for your daily needs, you have to work doubly hard to get on top of a pile of debts).

But I learned a very important lesson from the Word in recent years. It is in regards to how much weight your WORDS carry. I would always say derogatory things about my finances. And particularly about my ability to make money. I started so many businesses and ventures, and still I could not get ahead.

So I made a concerted effort to totally CHANGE my attitude, and especially my MOUTH, and I learned to CALL on things that are NOT as though they were.

Unfortunately, we tend to look at the circumstances with our physical eyes and we limit our faith to that. But we’re supposed to CALL on the things that are NOT, to make them MATERIALIZE.  WOW… ! That was a revelation to me.

Romans 4:17 spells out this principle very clearly. Paul refers to God talking to Abraham and calling into existence the things that did not exist’. “I have made you (notice the past tense) a father of many nations” God had already settled the matter when speaking it to Abraham. Words are seeds and they will bear fruit in their due season.

This is so important to understand because that’s HOW you can make MIRACLES happen. Jesus even said that this is the most important parable of the Bible. How, our words bear fruit. Words are seeds. WHAT WE SAY COMES TO PASS.

This is especially true when we use God’s Word to proclaim His promises into our lives. When there’s nothing in sight, you can plant a seed and it will grow. Of course as the parable says, your heart has to be fertile with FAITH.

Look what it says in 1st Corinthians 1:27. God has chosen the foolish things to confound the mighty…, and the things that are not (yet manifest, not yet revealed), to bring to nought ( to nothing) the things that ARE (manifest, the things that we SEE). I HAD NEVER SEEN THAT BEFORE. Your SPEAKING the things that are NOT (yet) will ELIMINATE the things that are.

So to complain about our finances, is to look at a parched ground and say nothing’s ever going to grow here. Rather, change your speech into talking well about your finances and how God prospers you, and how everything you touch turns to gold, will simply put seeds into the ground for your finances to flourish. It’s part of renewing our mind. You’ve got to RENEW your mouth too. You’ve got to ONLY say the things of God. “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth”. (Joshua 1:8).

Abraham was forced to SAY that he was the “father of many nations” because God changed his name to Abram ( which means “father of many nations”).  When the farmer plants a seed, he virtually calls a harvest of what that seed is supposed to produce.

JESUS DID JUST THAT when he called the water, WINE. When he called the few loaves and fishes into a large quantity that was enough to feed over 5,000 people.

He even called Lazarus into life (Jn 11:4). He SPOKE the desired outcome to the fig tree, in the same manner, He SPOKE to the Sea. He SPOKE to the crippled lady in the temple, and he said “be healed of thy infirmity”. All throughout His ministry, Jesus CALLED the desired result into EXISTENCE.

In Mark 11:23, Jesus mentioned 3x the word “SAY” when speaking to this mountain to be moved.

Material things actually respond to our words. You can speak what you desire. “Whatsoever things you DESIRE when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them”.  CALL them to you in FAITH.

Remember when Jesus “marveled” at the centurion’s revelation to “Speak the WORD only”. I don’t think that Jesus  marveled only at the fact that he understood the power of WORDS, but also the power of AUTHORITY. We have authority through our words. This is the law in “binding and losing”. You must SPEAK it. You can’t make your Christian life WORK without speaking the desired outcome in FAITH.

As a Christian disciple you’re speaking with the AUTHORITY of Christ.

BTW, our finances have tripled in this last year, our debts are all paid off, I’ve become a giver and I have more business than I have personnel to help me get it done. And more importantly, I’ve written 2 more books.

So this is our HOMEWORK for today. Can we commit to changing our speech? FROM HEREON, We will CALL THE DESIRED END into existence and believe.

Call your body into full health?

Call your wallet abundant.

Call your children/loved ones into God’s destiny.

Call whatever harvest you want.

This is HOW miracles HAPPEN. You can SPEAK them into EXISTENCE. The same as when you call a dog to come, you expect the dog to come.

But you must do it with your VOICE. NOT JUST WISH IT. It’s your VOICE that has the atomic power. God created the world by Words. And we are made after the image of God. We have the same ability and power.

Make it a habit to CALL the will of God in heaven, into EXISTENCE on earth. These are the keys of the kingdom… to bind and to lose on earth, and heaven will back up what you SAY. It’s a law of the Kingdom. Put it into practice in your life.

Rom 10:8 “The Word of God is near you; it is in YOUR MOUTH and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning FAITH that we PROCLAIM“.

The Word of God in your mouth, mixed with faith is as powerful as when Jesus spoke. And it is one of the MOST POWERFUL TOOLS in the disciple’s ARSENAL.

To further enforce this point read: “The POWER of PROCLAMATIONS