Walk OUT your FAITH (The discipline of a disciple–part 1)

We’ve just completed a series of 12 different DAILY MEDS explaining what true Christianity really means; that is the victory of the NEW MAN, through Christ, living in us.

As christians, we are born again and are fully possessed by the Spirit of Christ. We’re totally new creatures, living in a different Kingdom, bearing a different passport, no longer slaves, but sons and victors. We walk in the new identity restored back to us by God’s Son.

We’re a royal priesthood and are NOW enjoying the full inheritance of Christ: HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. And we exercise His authority on earth, to destroy the works of the devil. We’re empowered to enforce the will of the Father on earth as it is in heaven.

WOW… so cool, so AWESOME, so amazing. SOOO BLESSED.

The life of a disciple of Christ comes with commitment and dedication. We cannot just be observers – just part of the curious crowd that did not last (Luke 6:17; John 6:66). Jesus has commanded us to follow Him and to be IMITATORS of Him as he was of God. That’s the true meaning of discipleship.

Discipleship is not only to be a learner or student, but to put into practice the teachings and the discipline. You can study the gospels day after day, and dig into the meaning of every verse, and study Greek and Hebrew for months or for years, but unless you put it into practice, you will not experience the power of the Gospel.  There’s more power in a newborn babe in Christ who’s a DOER the Word than with a 40 year researcher/theologian who’s only a reader and a hearer.

In this next series of DAILY MEDS, I’m going to suggest that we, each one of us, start putting our faith into ACTION. I will lead you through a number of disciplines, different activities that we will do, in order to activate the “disciple” in us.

We’ll love others as Jesus loves,

We’ll deny our flesh as Jesus did,

We’ll share the Good News as Jesus did,

We’ll shine our light as Jesus did,

We’ll lay hands on the sick as Jesus did,

We’ll cast out demons as Jesus did.

In other words, we will try, each one of us, to find ways to shine God’s light and love unto others; — To show the love of Christ, wherever we go, and with whoever we meet. We will be imitators of Christ, and will apply His teachings, in our life, not only in theory, but by being Doers of the Word.

I know that, to some people, the thought may seem a bit daunting. But don’t worry, we’ll take baby steps, but steps we will take…

I first met the Lord in 1972 while on a sabbatical, traveling on my own through Europe. I was a hippie then, and decided to take one year off college to try and “find the truth“. A series of events led me to arrive in Amsterdam and I met some “Jesus People”. They were hippies as I was, and they were living together in Amsterdam. I had been raised in religion and definitely had my reservations about anything to do with Jesus, but what was so different about them was the fact that they were DOERS. They were talking about Jesus on the STREETS. They took the Bible literally and were LIVING it.

During the first three months of my born-again experience, I did nothing but read the Word half of the day, and went out witnessing in parks, on public squares, and everywhere we went, the rest of the day. We went out 2×2, as Jesus commanded His disciples.

And I thank God for that training because, from the start, it impressed upon me my new purpose in life, in being born again. I wasn’t just saved and given a free ticket to heaven, but I was commissioned to bring as many with me as I could.

Going out witnessing was not an option, because everyone there was out telling others about Jesus, every day. And at suppertime, we all came back with so many testimonies, so many souls saved, and even quite a few young people wanting to also serve the Lord full time. The team grew in size every day and we were “making disciples”, not just converts.

Let’s start with our very FIRST ASSIGNMENT…  What if this week, at least once, we would pair up with someone, and make a concerted effort to go out with the sole purpose of sharing the gospel with others. Pair up with someone, and go 2×2, whether with your spouse, your son/daughter, a friend, or whoever.

Here’s the reason why it’s important to go 2×2:

  1. Jesus sent his disciple 2×2, so that, should one fall, or get tripped off, and start window shopping, the other one would be there to lift him up and help him stay focused.
  2. Jesus explained the power of two when saying “when two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them” and “when any two of you agree on earth as touching anything that they should ask it shall be done of My Father”.
  3. It firms up your commitment and your decision. It’s not just a commitment before the Lord but there’s a witness going along to help you stay true to it, and to fight the devil’s compromises with.

Now, I know that the devil will attack right away to get you NOT TO GO OUT, you’ll be tempted with other “important” things to do, or you’ll find the sudden inspiration to attack some.other tasks you’ve been procrastinating about, etc. The enemy will try so hard to keep you from being a DOER. But let’s just commit in our heart, and do not allow yourself to deviate.

The goal is to eventually make it a HABIT to shine your LIGHT regularly. You want to get to where you’ll always let everyone you meet know that God loves them.

Now, here’s a few tips about approaching people. I don’t start a conversation with “Jesus” straight up. Because people usually ask “How are you doing?” I take it as a real question… I’ll say things like:

“I’m happy! Be careful, it’s more contagious than the virus…”

“I’m living the Dream… and I dream BIG”

“I’m blessed to BLISS… every thing I touch turns to gold”

“I’ve been hearing nothing but Good News…”

“Busting with JOY, unspeakable joy…”

“I found the LOVE..!”

I start the conversation with something that’ll throw me in the DEEP END. To where I have to explain more, or they have to ask me what I mean… and I usually explain one of God’s wonderful laws. Whether it’s:

The POWER of words.

The POWER of praise.

The POWER of generosity

The POWER of forgiveness

Etc. See: make those laws work for you

I usually start explaining God has put many laws in motion in our universe, for us to avail ourselves of, to BLESS our lives. And I use verses to back up what I discourse. In other words I usually start with proving the laws of God and explain how they work and I make sure that the conversation will come around to talking about Jesus.

And, I try to always end with PRAYING for that person. I simply tell them that I would like to pray for them before leaving them. I usually ask them if they have a health problem. If so, I lay your hands on them, and command sickness or ailment to leave them.

And if they’re not sick, I ask them if they would like to ask the Lord to reveal Himself to them (they usually say yes). And I ask them if they’d like to turn over the steering wheel of their life to the Lord, and make Him the captain of their destiny.

Be sure to take down a way to contact them, stay in touch with them and start feeding them with a little Word everyday. And, DISCIPLE THEM. (More on this in our next DAILY MEDS).

BTW, I also try to bless them with a GIFT. Remember God is a giver, and when you give to the poor, you’re lending to the Lord, and He will repay… (Pro 19:17)

Are you ready? Are you willing? Are you thankful for all that Jesus did for you, and consequently are eager to share His love with others?

Commit NOW! Decide now! Pair up with someone, decide on a time, pick up some tracks, and make a plan.

Let’s do it guys. As you step out, you’ll be amazed at what God will do to show you how much He wants to love on this world. Remember, we’ve already won… And it’s an ONGOING win-win…

(Oh wait a second, have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? That’s important. The holy spirit gives you POWER to witness. If not, please read the “You’ve got the POWER” first! along with “The gift of BOLDNESS“)