Can you imagine if one out of 5 people in the world was saved because of us, and was an active Christian?!
When the first disciples went out evangelizing, within 200 years, 1 out of every 5 people was a professing Christian and the entire known civilized world had been saturated with the gospel for Jesus. Wow…
Do you know what was Jesus’ last message to his disciples at the last supper, just before he was arrested, taken to jail, beaten and killed? He said, “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another” (John 13:35). He talked about LOVE, that love was the most IMPORTANT thing.

And they went out and turned the whole world upside down with the love of God. Even their Roman rulers marvelled at the love of the Christians and said, “behold how these Christians love one another”. The way the Christian lived convinced Romans that their faith was real. And the Romans wondered what it was. ” Who is Jesus Christ and why does he make you so happy? Even though you have nothing, you’ve got everything! How can I find this kind of happiness that I don’t have?’
Some time ago the Lord healed me of financial concerns. I have stopped worrying about money and started seeing my wallet, as His. Everything that we receive comes from the Lord (2Pet 1:3). So therefore He’s the ONE who replenishes our resources.
The Bible says that “when you give to the poor, you lend to the Lord, and he will repay“. (Pro 19:17) How cool is that? That means that we can give everywhere we go, because He wants to give and love on people.

I was in a thrift store the other day (this is usually where I shop) and the lady before me at the cash register was about to pay her bill and the Lord told me to go ahead and pay her bill. I had come in for just a small thing, and her bill was just shy of $100.
So when the cash register lady told her the amount, I stepped up and said, “I would like to pay this lady’s bill please”. The lady in front of me was a Mennonite and she started crying and said “this has never happened to me”, and I said “I can’t take the credit, God told me to pay your bill” and the cash register lady was totally wide-eyed. I told her ‘God loves you very much and he wanted to show you how much she cares for you”.

Unbeknownst to me there were a number of people behind me in line, and as I went on witnessing to the lady they all heard and all got the witness. Ha! $100 was a very small price for the Lord, considering the witness that many people received.
I was telling the Mennonite lady how God always wants to encourage us and help us fulfill our destiny, and our purpose of loving one another. And I shared a number of verses with her. It does not cost much to show God’s love and sow seeds in people’s life, yet it goes such a long way. Planting seeds of love is what we do and it’s one of the most rewarding work.
Just imagine, our job is to LOVE the people of the world, and… spend the FUNDS of the FATHER in doing so. What a FUN assignment!