We are FOOLS for Christ’s sake

“The natural man receives not the things of the spirit for they are foolishness to him” (1 Cor 2:14).

Some people just don’t seem to understand the miracle of conversion and the idealistic desire to devote one’s entire life to God’s service. Many have been thought to have suddenly gone mad. Like the apostle Paul who was  “driven crazy by his conversion”, because there was such a sudden change in his life.( Acts 26:24).  Even Jesus’ family wanted to take charge of him saying that he was “out of His mind”  (Mk 3:21), others said “He is demon-possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him” (Jn 10:20).

Nearly all of the prophets and men of God throughout the Bible in past ages were thought to have been NUTS by the rest of the world: dreamers, visionaries, hearing voices, having hallucinations, and pretty well flipped out over Jesus. ALL because of a sudden and instant change.

It all depends on who is calling who mad. If people think we’re a little eccentric and “off center”, it’s not because we’re off the center; it’s because they are warbling around themselves away off the One and the only true Center, Jesus Christ.

Man without God is off center, because they can’t possibly know what’s right without Jesus.

We have an instant salvation. In fact, anyone can receive Jesus right this instant, suddenly, and be instantly saved. The Bible says we are to be instant! So why can’t we be instant Christians?

And we can instantly start to witness and instantly start obeying Jesus. We don’t have to wait, we can do it right now.  So let’s be an instant WITNESS. “Preach the word; be instant in season and out of season”. (2.Tim 4: 2).

Let’s make it part of our Life to always be INSTANT.  Instant obedience, instant witnessing, always preaching the gospel and leading others to the lord, always showing Jesus’ love wherever we go. Even if it means we appear a little nuts for Christ’s sake.