How can ANYONE Ignore JESUS?

In the recent months, I’ve been meditating on the impact that Jesus has had on the world and wondering why would anybody want to ignore Him?…Or worse yet, deny Him?

The answer to the latter is pretty obvious in most cases if and where religion was the platform used to introduce Jesus. It is true that Christianity overall has given a bad name to Jesus. The rituals, the doctrinal differences, the false practices and the sectism has caused many to distance themselves from anything to do with Christ. And I concur with this stance. …been there, done that.

But let’s go to Jesus alone, let’s take an objective look at who He claimed to be: His life, His message and the effects of His words on the landscape of the history of the world. I’ve read from many authors about Him and considered their take on His history, and particularly His claims to deity, and so I’ve compiled a number of facts about Him to bring out the undeniable evidence about His Messiahship. This is gonna blow your mind…

How could someone in history have borne such a weight and you not know the truth about Him?  This is not Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, this is not Elan Musk, Einstein, nor Gandhi. This is not Confucius or Buddha or Mohammed. And yet you’ve heard of all of those names and you say you don’t know Jesus?

Every sailor cusses by His name. Every drunk uses His name in cursing. They don’t use Muhammad nor Buddha’s name in cursing. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ. THAT NAME comes up everywhere, whether for good or for bad.  Why should anyone, anywhere in the world, use His name above all names to swear by? What’s in THAT name? Why is He so famous or infamous?

Without writing one single line, He set more pens in motion and furnished themes for more sermons, orations, learned volumes, works of art, and songs of praise than the whole army of great men of ancient and modern times. This Jesus of Nazareth, without money and without arms, conquered more people than Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon. Without learning and without science, He shed more light on things human and things divine than all philosophers and scholars combined. How can anyone ignore Him, except they be ignorant of who He is.

No scientist, physicist, psychologist or philosopher has dictated and set in motion as many universal laws as He has, and all of them still stand true to this day. His teachings were simple and yet more powerful than Socrates, Aristotle, Plato and all other philosophers before or since.

No one possesses as many titles and attributes as Jesus does!–The Door, the Gate, the Truth, the Light of the world, the Living Water, the Way, the Bread of Life, the True Vine, the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection, the King of all kings, the Savior of the world!…Who is this man?

Jesus, the one person in history that more is written about and spoken of, than any other ever. All the books about every aspect of His life could not be gathered into one building, regardless of its size. His name alone is side-by-side with God’s name.

You may say that there’s no proof of His existence, but that holds no water. Sorry, there’s no premium to ignorance. Historians all agree that not only Jesus did exist, but that there are more accounts in history (even outside of the Bible) of His existence than there are of Julius Caesar, the Emperor of Rome.

Not only He did exist but His coming was the greatest awaiting of all mankind. So much so that His birth redefined TIME from before His birth to after His birth (BC/AD). Not only His existence is historically sound, but the writings of the Bible have been heard throughout the whole world, even outside of the Bible. The story of Noah and the flood for instance, are spoken of in every major culture of the world, whether in fact, or in legends, but nevertheless recorded. The whole world is forever different because of Jesus.

The ONE MAN in Whom there was no sin. The One Who raised the dead, healed people and cast out demons to set people free. Who else could claim, “All power is given unto Me,” He said.  “All  judgement is given unto Me. My blood is the new contract between man and God. My Words will never pass away. Before Abraham was, I am. –The ‘I Am’ Who was from the beginning.” In Jesus’ Own Words He said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to the Father but through Me.” WHO else can claim such things?

CS Lewis, the great philosopher skeptic (later to become a born again believer), wrote that Jesus Christ, the Jesus of the Bible, is either a liar, a lunatic or the Lord that He claimed to be.

There are more than 300 prophecies speaking of and confirming the person of Christ; prophecies that tell us that we can identify who the Messiah is. It should not be an issue of debate regarding the facts. The facts are clearly stated.  And of the 333 prophecies about Him, there are 150 fulfilled in one hour at the cross. Thirty-three miracles are recorded, along with this astonishing statement: “As many as touched Him were made perfectly whole!”… Thousands of people healed. People would simply touch Him and be totally healed. What is that energy? And how can it be ignored? How can anyone speak evil of Him without knowing Him?

Their only answer has to be, “My mind is made up, don’t confuse me with the facts.”