You can’t MISS Him–He’s EVERYWHERE

I’m going to go on with this AWESOME revelation about WHO Jesus really was, and is!

As we consider the Jesus of the Bible, everyone has their own opinion; some will say that He’s a prophet, others will say that He was a spiritual guru, but Jesus Christ Himself said that He’s none other than the Lord HIMSELF, the Messiah, the One announced and prophesied centuries before His birth.

Some say that He was just another teacher.–Another philosopher? Sorry, but you can’t land Him there. He’s either the center of God’s program or He is not. He divides opinions. In fact, He divides very friends.

People say He was just a carpenter. Or was He? People were so desperate as to open the roof of a house to get to Him for their crippled friend to be healed.

  • He’s the One Who said that your sins are forgiven. Did anyone else do that? Ever? Could anyone else claim that?
  • He’s the One Who said to the lame man, “Rise up and walk.” And people were astonished by His MIRACLES.
  • He’s the One of Whom they said, “No one has ever spoken like this man before.”
  • He’s the One Who says, “What you do with Me will define your eternity.”
  • He’s the One Who said, “I am the embodiment of truth.”
  • He’s the One Who proclaimed outlandish things about Himself and He backed them all up with miracles, signs and wonders.
  • He’s the One Who said that He would resurrect. And He did. That alone stands alone.
  • He’s the One Who changed the world by caring for the poor, forgiving the drunks, prostitutes and tax collectors by bringing a new set of ethical values through preaching to denying yourself that you may find meaning for your life.
  • He’s the One Who explained that happiness does not come from the things of this world, that you must set for yourself treasures in Heaven and not on the Earth.
  • He’s the One to Whom the winds and the sea obeyed.

Who is this man? No other philosophers or kings died in ransom for the sins of their people. None. And you’ll ignore Him??? Really?

He could prophesy the future, He was a teacher, a healer, and the Messiah. It says that He is a creator, the very image of God, the firstborn of all creation, and that all things were created by Him. Actually, He said of Himself, “I’m not just a rabbi (teacher) or a philosopher. But I am God’s son in the flesh, sent by God as the only way to know God.”

He’s the One Who could claim, “I am the Lord, the high priest, the King of kings. It says He is omnipresent, He is everywhere, and He knows everything. On top of that, it says He’s merciful, and He is eternal. And He is divine and human at the same time and He is sinless.

Who else could have so much faith as to claim that many attributes about Himself, and be able to fulfill them all and prove them, and to have so much wisdom in His teachings, so much so, that even the doctors of the law stopped asking Him questions.

Why can’t we avoid Him? Is He a god or is He a devil? Why so many writers, philosophers, historians and orators have talked about Him so much? Why so many poems, so much art, so much music was written about Him? He is in a class of His own and yet you will simply ignore Him?

He lifted man’s ethics to the highest claim, and then turned around and expects us to live by that standard. Self-sacrifice has become the new law and the new love. He brought immortality to all men. He spoke the truth even when it hurt, and never apologized for it. He made no mistake. He never rectified anything He said. He never asked for advice from anyone. He said of Himself,Behold a greater than Solomon is here.”  He was  His own credentials. He carried His Own highest mortality through His conduct.

They killed Him on three charges;

  • He was a friend of sinners.
  • He healed people on the Sabbath Day.
  • He claimed to be the Son of God.

And when He actually died, there was an earthquake! The sun darkened for three hours! And the thickest and largest curtain ever made for the temple was torn in half from the top down! The one veil that supposedly divided man from God… ripped open, from the top down. A veil hung so high that no man could reach…!

This man was crucified so cruelly, and still while hanging on the cross, He asked His Father to forgive His executors and prosecutors? Even at the cross, He didn’t ask for prayer for Himself. He said,“Weep not for Me but for yourselves.”

To this day, people around the world walk into water to be baptized and renewed and say, “I’m in!” People will follow Him to their death because He’s the way back to God. And there are countless testimonies of people meeting Him in the afterlife and even in this life… not Buddha, not Mohamed, not Confucius, but Jesus!

The greatest controversy about Him is that He did not come to establish a religion, but a government. All prophecies about Him were about a new government, a kingdom a religion. So if that is the case, we must take Him out of the religious arena and set Him in a government arena. What is His government? What does He govern? What are the laws of His government? He said, “my kingdom is not of this world”….

He repeatedly said that He came to preach “the Good News of the kingdom of God”. He kept telling people that the kingdom of God is HERE. And all His miracles back that up. Everywhere He encountered the “works of the devil”, He rectified it with the power of God. –from healing the sick, correcting the lies of the religious leaders, to appeasing the storm. He proved by the way He lived that the kingdom of God was HERE.

There’s no “ho hum” anywhere in that! He came to impact man’s mode of living. He came to set up a new government. –the kingdom of God.