There’s no “HO HUM” about JESUS

The claims of Jesus in the Bible, from a carnal view, are absolutely outlandish and preposterous! If these are false, He would be the greatest deceiver that the world has ever seen!–Or He’d be the greatest lunatic that has ever stepped on this earth. However, since Jesus fulfilled all claims about Himself, then it changes EVERYTHING.

Jesus, as it turns out, never came to introduce a religion, never intended church buildings, never purposed anything but the restoration of the kingdom of God, back in the hands of man. Man, at creation had lost the rulership over the earth which had been given him by God. The kingdom of God was intended to be on earth as it is in heaven. But Adam relinquished it to the devil. Adam became powerless and spiritless. He was now separated from the Spirit of God. He was on his own, having to work the ground at the sweat of his brow. And we’ve been doing that, ever since.

But God made a way for man to regain control on earth. And that’s why He sent His Son Jesus to be that very One to pay the price for the redemption of the Kingdom of God, not just the redemption of man; he paid a price that we could not pay, a sacrifice too great for us to pay.

The end purpose was not only so that man could be again reconnected to his Creator, but so that we can regain rulership of the earth. And so that God’s will may be on earth as it is in heaven. This is the reason why after His resurrection, Jesus BREATHED the spirit of God into His followers. That’s the ultimate reason and purpose for Jesus coming to earth, so that we would regain the SPIRIT of God. He told all the disciples before He ascended back to heaven, don’t go anywhere, don’t do anything, until you be filled with the Spirit of God. And it says, “They were endued with POWER after that, the Spirit of God came upon them”. (Acts 1:8)

Jesus paid the ransom for the sin-nature of man –the contaminated and rebellious nature of man.  Man, through rebellion against God, had lost the Spirit of God living in him. And man was now merely a mortal creature, and no longer breathing the Spirit that was BREATHED in him by God at creation. But Jesus came to regain control over the earth, return the rulership to man and to return the Spirit of God back into man, so that man could again be the Vice-Roy on earth. The representative of the King on earth.

This is why Jesus is the center figure in history. This is why He’s not just a man. This is why He can’t be “framed” in history with all religions. It’s a kingdom that He reinstated, not a religion. It’s the original kingdom and dominion that was given by God to man on earth, on the outset of the creation. This is why He got so upset with the religious leaders who tried to box God’s plan in a set of rituals and condemnatory constraints. So it’s vital that we understand what Jesus offers to man as the opportunity to be reunited with God and fulfill his original purpose.

What all He proclaimed is so intense…He said that He came to preach the gospel of the kingdom. The kingdom of God is here and available to all through faith alone, without any of your good works or efforts. The dominion or rulership that was originally given to man is now restored back to man through belief in Jesus as the redemtor. His victory over the treason of the devil is permanent (“ALL power is given unto me in heaven and in earth”) and He said that unless you believe and receive His victory, you cannot find your way back to the FATHER. That’s why He said,”I’m the way…no one comes to the Father but by me” And without Him, you cannot have the greatest healing of all. The healing of the contaminated glitch in man’s programming.

If you’ve ever TRULY loved someone, you know that one of the great dynamics of that relationship has to be forgiveness and reconciliation. Making up is an integral part of a relationship and God extends reconciliation to us through Jesus. It says, “God sooo loved the world…He gave His son”, to redeem mankind’s relationship with God.

That’s why He’s the most powerful figure in history. He changed the world’s governing powers. He reinstated the kingdom of God on earth in man’s heart. That’s why to be a believer, we must ACCEPT the presence of Jesus (and His Holy Spirit) at the steering wheel of our life. Jesus asked His followers,“who do YOU say that I am?” This is  a life-or-death challenge to all of us.  Because it matters for all eternity. The ramifications of the claims of Jesus Christ will hold for you eternal SIGNIFICANCE.

Man can continue to go around as it were in circles, trying to recreate or redefine who God is and who Jesus is. Or he can receive the free gift of redemption to restore him to a life empowered by the Spirit of God in Him. WOW… That all makes sense now.

Jesus Christ is the lone Saviour. He’s the one true God, the Redeemer and the forgiver of the sinful nature of man and He’s the One who extends to you re-birth and eternal life. He’s the one that says I’ll give you a new life, and “he that comes to me will never die”. The Spirit of God in you will empower your life.


What will you do with Jesus? You can’t ignore him. You can ask anybody their opinion of Jesus and they’re going to have one. No one is ever silent about Jesus, but the issue for you personally is, what do YOU say about Jesus and what is your understanding of who Jesus Christ is. 

That’s why being offended by religious doctrines, churchy rituals and doctrinal arguments doesn’t hold enough excuse or justification. Jesus doesn’t and never will offer religion. He’s the cornerstone upon which man’s life must be rebuilt. He’s the One through Whom we can find true meaning and true freedom. It’s not only about heaven and hell, it’s about living your life as a victor now, rather than as a powerless victim.

That victory is made available to everyone for free through His redemptive sacrifice? That oughta be a deal of a lifetime. And it is indeed

There is no premium to ignorance. Not in this world, nor in the world to come. You can’t tell the policeman when you’re pulled over, “I didn’t know the law”. You can’t let your search for knowledge lead you away from knowing JESUS.

In the case of your eternal destiny, it’s not what you know, it’s WHO you know that’s important.