Start with THIS…

Christianity only works if you WORK it. That’s what Jesus said. (Mat 7:24-27).  GOD has set in motion a whole set of principles and laws that will work in our favor if we make use of them. It’s not automatic.

Reading the Bible is not enough to change you, you have to put its principles and its laws into motion for you.

When I witness to people I always tell them, if you want to SEE how it all works, START WITH THIS: Start by saying only beautiful things, only blessings, think ONLY on these things. (Phil4:8).  Don’t ever let anything come out of your mouth that is negative or damning. –Not about people, not about circumstances, not about your work, and especially not about yourself.

Do not even repeat the bad news that you see on TV or hear about. Don’t dwell on it and especially don’t talk about it. Yep, that’s right… don’t even repeat them. And you will see how everything changes in your life. Primarily because whatever you focus on, you become the slave of (Rom 6:16). Plus your mouth sows seeds, either of good or bad, and you’ll harvest what you’ve sowed.

You cannot always control what you hear or what you see, but you definitely can control what comes out of your mouth. And your words are very POWERFUL. They bless or they curse.

Speak only encouragement to people, always. In fact, force yourself to do so. Why? Because it will come back to you.

And if you are going to talk about people, only say beautiful things about them. If you’re going to pray for people, don’t bring out to God all the bad things about them. By doing so, you’re judging them and you’re cursing them. The devil will use your words to condemn them.

‘You reap what you sow’ is one of the laws of God, set in the universe. You can only harvest what you’ve seeded. If you don’t like what you’re harvesting, just change the seeds you’re putting in the ground of your life.

BTW, that’s one reason why evolution can’t be true. A fish can’t seed a frog, and a monkey can reproduce a human. That’s the way God set it up from the start “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds” (Gen 1:24).

Jesus said that this parable was the key to all parables. He said, “if you don’t get this one, how are you going to get any of the other ones”? (Mk 4:13).

Try it. Give it at least a month’s try. And SEE the change in your life. —ONLY good seeds.