When faced with a tremendous battle against overwhelming opposition, Jehoshaphat desperately PRAYED and threw himself completely on the LORD, confessing his own weaknesses and inabilities.

Then, after receiving God’s promise that HE would give them the victory, Jehoshaphat put his FAITH into ACTION by having the singers and musicians lead the troops, shouting and singing PRAISE to the Lord.–And God Himself miraculously delivered them from their enemy.

The same holds true for us today: When faced with battles and trials that seem too big for us to handle, if we will simply throw ourselves completely on the LORD & cry out to Him with our WHOLE hearts, and believe the promises of His Word, we can then go on the ATTACK, praising the Lord and thanking Him by faith for the victory!

PRAISE is the VOICE of FAITH! If you really BELIEVE the Lord has heard your prayers, you will start praising Him for the answer, even BEFORE you see it!

So when the Devil tempts you to get down in the dumps and discouraged, to fret, worry and complain about your plight, don’t just sit there, FIGHT! Remember the POWER of POSITIVE PRAISE and look UP, count your BLESSINGS and start thanking and praising God.

The Devil cannot stand praise, he HATES it! So if you really want to overcome him, start PRAISING the LORD no matter WHAT’S happening! “SUBMIT yourselves to GOD, RESIST the DEVIL and he will FLEE from you!”– James 4:7 .

Launch an attack by singing, quoting Scriptures and praising God when faced with battles and trials, and JESUS will give you the victory!

 Keep praising, amen?