“The FOOL hath said in his heart,’There is no God’!”–Ps 14:1.
Here’s one.of the best explanations I’ve read on evolution and its ill effects on our society. It’s taken from the writings of D. Brant B. You should use these facts and scriptures when debunking evolution.
“It’s so ridiculous for Man to NOT believe in GOD!–Because Man can’t help but believe in God if he just looks at CREATION! If you’re not an absolute FOOL, if you have a reasoning mind at all, all you have to do is LOOK at the Creation to know SOMEBODY had to design it, PLAN it & FIGURE it out, because it’s all so beautiful, so orderly, & works so perfectly!
“If you haven’t got enough sense to know that there is a GOD, just look at His CREATION!–Just look at the sea, the sky, the clouds, the mountains, the valleys, the trees, the flowers, everything! The Bible says that, “The INVISIBLE things of God from the Creation of the World are clearly SEEN, being understood by the things that are MADE.”–Rom 1:20. They’re all virtually shouting, “There IS a God! Look what He MADE! Look what a beautiful World He made for you to live in!”
“The greatest PROOF of the existence of GOD is His CREATION! And that’s why EVOLUTION is so DAMNABLE & Devil-inspired, because it tries to explain away Creation by saying that it just happened by ACCIDENT & that God had nothing to do with it, that it somehow just threw ITSELF together!
The existence of our invisible God is proven by His visible Creation!–It’s “clearly seen” through the beautiful World He made. That’s why the Scripture says that only “the FOOL hath said in his heart ‘There is no God’!”-Ps 14:1. Only an absolute fool, an idiot, would actually believe in his heart that there is no God! Most people who CLAIM not to believe in Him really DO believe, but they’re in REBELLION against Him!

“THAT’S why the World wants to reject Creation & say it’s all just a meaningless chaotic Evolution!–Because if the World & its inhabitants ARE God’s Creation, then they are HIS property.–And if they are HIS property, then HE’S the BOSS–& they DON’T WANT God to be Boss! Therefore the Scripture says, “they do not LIKE to retain God in their knowledge.”–Romans 1:28.
“Because, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, but became VAIN in their IMAGINATIONS, & their foolish heart was DARKENED. Although they claimed to be wise, they became FOOLS!”–They got so smart they thought they could do without God, so they became what?–Absolute FOOLS, who “changed the glory of the immortal God into an image like to that of corruptible MAN, & BIRDS, & four-footed BEASTS, & REPTILES! Who changed the truth of God into a LIE, & worshipped the CREATURE more than the Creator!”–Romans 1:21-25.
“So WHY did the Devil & Man COOK up this ridiculous, idiotic scheme of evolution?–To try to get rid of God & the knowledge of God, “as they did NOT like to retain God in their education!”–Romans 1:28. And since they threw God & Creation & the Bible out, they HAD to cook up something new! They didn’t want the TRUTH, so they figured out a BIG LIE!–EVIL EVOLUTION!
“There is NO PROOF for evolution! It has to be BELIEVED, therefore it’s a RELIGION! Even the founding father of this false faith, CHARLES DARWIN himself, confessed that “the BELIEF (note the emphasis on belief) in Evolution must at present be grounded entirely on general considerations. When we descend to details, we can prove that NO one species has changed, NOR can we prove that the supposed changes are BENEFICIAL, which is the GROUNDWORK of the THEORY.”–Ha!
“The very first verse of the first chapter of the first book of the RIGHT Book says, “In the beginning, GOD created the Heavens & the Earth!”–Genesis 1:1. Now either you believe that, what GOD’S Book says, or you’re going to have to believe what some LIAR says instead!
“And GOD created Man in His Own image, He created him in the image of God; He created them male & female.”–Genesis 1:27. And God formed Man out of what?–Previous forms?–Apes?–Beasts? “And God formed Man of the DUST of the GROUND, & breathed into his nostrils the BREATH of LIFE; & Man became a living soul!”–Genesis 2:7. This is the TRUTH of GOD’S Word!
“CREATION is the basic FOUNDATION of the entire Bible! If you DON’T believe THIS, you won’t believe ANYTHING! Because when you doubt ONE word of the Bible, you’ll soon doubt the WHOLE thing! Jesus said, “Had you believed MOSES, you would have believed ME! But if you believe not HIS writings, how shall you believe MY Words?”–John 5:46,47. Now, what’s the FIRST of Moses’ writings, upon which all of his writings are based?-GENESIS!–All about Creation!
“If they had believed GENESIS, all about Creation, then they would have accepted JESUS CHRIST as their Saviour! So what did the Devil do to try to prevent people from believing in Jesus? He tried to destroy their belief in the writings of Moses, & in the book of GENESIS in particular, the story of the glorious Creation! And how did the Devil do that?–By what big lie?
“EVOLUTION!–That was his greatest lie & most diabolically clever piece of teaching! EVOLUTION!–As ridiculous & idiotic as anything you could possibly study, because it has NO foundation in FACT whatsoever; there’s NO evidence for it; no discovery has been made to prove it! It’s just a bunch of GARBAGE & ROT!
“But even garbage doesn’t stink as bad as the lies of Evolution, of which the Bible warns, “BEWARE of the LIES of SCIENCE FALSELY SO-CALLED! For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They shall turn AWAY their ears from the TRUTH, & shall be turned unto FABLES!”–1Tim 6:20; 2Tim 4:3,4. This time has COME & these days are HERE, & their ears HAVE turned from the truth & are turned to fables!–Like EVOLUTION!
Don’t let the Devil & his Evolutionists fool you! Stand up for JESUS and His TRUTH!