Let’s not remain Babies

Discipleship is the process of growth from a spiritual baby to a spiritual adult. It means you’re maturing in your faith. You’re getting stronger. You’re developing some muscle.

Some Christians get saved but they remain babies. The ONLY feeding they receive is a “bottle” every Sunday from their pastor. That’s not enough to really grow in Christ.

At the beginning of the pandemic, when people could not meet in large congregations, I saw it as a blessing in disguise, because it forced us to meet in different ways. Zoom call meetings became popular, even through faceTime, and in many ways,  it became easier for small groups to grow.

The Bible says in Acts 2 how Christians met daily to minister the word to one another. “They worshiped together regularly at the Temple each day, met in small groups in homes for Communion, and shared their meals with great joy and thankfulness” (Acts 2:46 TLB).

Consider having communion even for 15 minutes to half an hour per day with some members of your church. You’ll be amazed at the power of just those few minutes, praying, reading the Word, and acknowledging the Lord will do.

It’s important that you choose a small group to fellowship with. If you don’t already have a small group, start one. Even with just one friend, read a chapter, and have communion. Start small, but do start. And encourage each other to grow in faith.

Commit to GROWING spiritually as a disciple and a member of the body of Christ. The MORE you press in towards Jesus, the more you’ll grow and become like Him.