Don’t WASTE your money. INVEST

I don’t know if you keep track of where you spend your money. But you should, if only to find out if you are investing it or wasting it.

Jesus said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Mat 6:19-21).

You can make your money grow. Instead of wasting your money on pleasures, invest it in books that make you grow spiritually, or in seminars that will give you a new boost to do more for Jesus.  “seek first the kingdom of God” (Mat 6:33). You can actually make your money GROW.

I used to be on the defensive financially. I would pinch the pennies in order to pay my bills, and I’d end up with nothing to show at the end of each month.

A few years ago, I asked my eldest son who was on his way to returning to the Lord, and seeing that he already was involved in the money world, to join me in going to a seminar on ‘God’s finances’ which was held by Andrew wommack in Colorado springs.

Both my wife and I, along with my son, went and it changed our lives. It gave us not only a new vision on how to invest in God’s Kingdom but a boost of inspiration to see other Christians abounding and flourishing and GIVING. — people who used their God-given talents to prosper the kingdom of God. That’s when I truly understood that the best investments that anyone can make are in the kingdom of God.

You can invest in your personal growth. Your money can help you grow spiritually. You can use it to develop skills, to educate yourself, to become a better leader, a better Christian or just a better person.

Before spending your money, you should ask yourself, “will I take that investment to heaven with me? Will it improve my character, or someone else’s?” If not spend sparingly.

You’re not taking your fancy car to heaven, nor your comfy couch, nor your fancy watch. But you are taking your character. It may be tempting to invest in comfort, but God wants you to use your money to invest in something that’s going to heaven—your character.

So invest in spiritual growth. You can share your money with a young person to go to a Bible Camp. Or else pay for a friend to go to a retreat to help him grow spiritually. The dividends will be enormous. Invest in God’s Kingdom. Call it your “Kingdom Growth Fund”. It’s the best investment you’ll ever make.

There are different ways to invest in God’s Kingdom. Definitely you should support the pastor, Evangelist or YouTube teacher whom you are growing the most from his teachings.–your discipleship teacher. You can also give to missionaries who are involved in preaching the gospel.  Whatever you do, be a giver to the Lord’s work. Sow where the soil is fruitful. You will reap eternal dividends if you give to doers of the word.

The Bible says, “Why spend your money on something that is not real food?… Listen closely to me, and you will eat what is good; your soul will enjoy the rich food that satisfies” (Isa 55:2 NCV).

Don’t spend your money on junk food but on soul food.