What’s Wrong with Being POSSESSED?

Some people spend their whole life oppressed with a spirit of fear, or a spirit of anger, depression, jealousy, bitterness, etc., and they struggle trying to live a peaceful life…free from these  yet being hindered, demonic operations.  They are stumbled and bothered by evil spirits all day long.

Jesus went around not only healing the sick, but casting demons out of all who were oppressed of the devil. “And when He had called unto Him His twelve disciples, He gave them power over unclean sprouts to cast them out, and too heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” (Mt 10:1) Do you realize how many people are oppressed of the devil? Just about everyone you meet.

This is the job of ALL of us Christians. We are here to set the captives free. And this is what we have been given God’s powerful Holy Spirit for. The Holy Spirit is essential for us to be able to do the job that Jesus has assigned us  to do.

You can be POSSESSED by God’s Holy Spirit and empowered to do the same works that Jesus did. In fact, you need to be. If you aren’t, you’re missing out because this is something that Jesus actually promised to all believers that we would do even greater works than He did. “He that believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do ALSO, because I go unto My Father.” (Jn 14:12)

So come on guys… When will we get this? This is not in the past. It’s present. “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Heb 13:8). We have use of the NAME above all names.

The key though is to know who you are in Christ and to know that you are empowered by God’s Holy Spirit, and then there’s no stopping you. “But you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto Me.” (Acts 1:8)

You don’t have to live in constant struggle in life with evil spirits bothering you with fears, worries, torments and lies nor with bad habits that keep tearing you down. You can walk in VICTORY, in fact be TRIUMPHANT, over all the works of the devil. “For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” (1Jn 3:8b).

A born again Christian is supposed to be a totally emancipated, inspired, joyful and a VICTORIOUS person. That’s Christianity 101…!! Why? Because we’re FULL of the Spirit of God. Fully possessed. And that’s how we are empowered to heal, to cast out devils and to destroy the works of the devil.

I encourage you to read the book “Understanding the New Man” (FREE) so that you really get a grasp on your new identity and the AUTHORITY and the POWER given you. And once you are fully aware of your righteousness, (your RIGHT standing with God), then there is no stopping you; except perhaps a lack of knowledge of the Word and obedience to the Word.

Jesus as good as said that Christianity will not work unless YOU work it yourself. In James 1:22-25, James said, “But be does of the Word and not heard only deceiving yourselves.”  You can’t be a hearer only, you must be a DOER.

It’s very easy to help people see the light of God. Just BE the light. Don’t just talk about it. Show the manifestation of Christ in you by manifesting His power to heal and to cast out devils.

People constantly ask me, “How do you lead people to the Lord?” And my answer to them is: “How do you NOT show your light?” I live so happy, so fulfilled, so enriched by the truth of God. I am so FREE that I can only be OUTGOING about it… people cannot help but SEE Jesus in me. When people see Jesus in you, you can then show them the scriptures in God’s Word that will bring them to being born again

Let me ask you this, if your sports team won the national cup, how could you stay quiet about it? In fact you’d be so full of it, you would talk for hours about it.

In every conversation, I TEACH people how to have the joy of the Lord by spelling out a few of the major laws in God’s kingdom.

  1. Keep your thoughts into captivity. (Discipline what goes in and around your mind.) “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience (of the World) ofChrist;” (2 Cor 10:5)


  1. Watch your tongue. (Only speak what you want to reap.) “The tongue has the power of life and death.” (Pr 18:21)


  1. Keep your eyes off the ways of the world and look to Jesus and His Word. (FORCE yourself to ONLY think on good things.) “Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely; if there be any virtue, if there be and praise, think on these things.” (Phil 4:8)

As simple as this may sound, this is basically what I cover in most conversations with people. I show God at work. I tell them that the laws of God are there for ALL. And they’ll work for your benefit, but they will work against you if you don’t make them work for you. You can cuss and damn everything about your life and that’s exactly the kind of life you’ll end up living. But you can bless and speak truth, grace, joy, happiness, liberty, and freedom  to yourself and to others and you will reap ALL of that and live in God’s blessings.

JESUS said that He came to give us LIFE and life more ABUNDANTLY. I live an extremely rich life, abundant life, richer than riches can bring. If you’ll just step in to all that He has given us. It’s ours for the taking. “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”  (Jn 10:10b)

I wish they would teach these simple truths in school. I wish every family would base their values on these simple truths. They WORK miracles when you live by them. It’s not enough to know them. You’ve got to APPLY them.

You can go to the gym everyday and look at all the machines one after the other, admire them and even say beautiful things about them, but if you don’t USE them, they cannot benefit you.

Christianity is the same way. It’s a whole bunch of beautiful principles, the same as those beautiful machines that could work miracles for you. But they don’t do you any good unless you use them. You’ve got to WORK your Christianity for your Christianity to work FOR you. This is what Jesus said. You can’t be a hearer only. It won’t do you any good. Everything you try to build in life will come down around your ears, as a house built on the sand.

I have recently joined a Christian group on Facebook, and sadly, the prayer requests tend to be more like whining and complaining sessions, even murmuring to God about personal situations, about how difficult their life is and how deprived they are. –To inform poor “misinformed” God of their terrible situation.

That’s not Christianity. God has given US the power to change the course of our own situations. He has given us all the tools to speak to those mountains and to cast them into the sea ourselves. The power is in our mouth. We must speak the Word of God to those mountains– HIS Word mixed with OUR faith. God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings.

But churches, for the most part, teach that God has to act before anything can happen for us. Jesus said the contrary. “And whatever YOU ask in My name that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” (J. 14:13). God is looking to us for anything to happen. The authority and the dominion is given to man on earth. God cannot intervene. The keys of the kingdom have been given to MAN to bind and to lose. So whining in prayer doesn’t do anything, it just confirms the cursing on your life.

It’s the prayer of PRAISE and thankfulness and FAITH that brings results, depending on God’s promises and thanking Him for giving us ALL the tools to speak out His Word against the circumstances and ills and the sicknesses and the oppressions. —That power that we have as Christians to STAND UP against the works of the devil. That is what militant prayer is about.

Prayer is the affirmation of the promises of God, a genuine stance on the rock of God that brings about the desired changes. It says “believe” WHEN you pray. It means you’re taking a STANCE when you pray and you’re not moving. That’s what brings about results. Not whining, not complaining, not feeling useless, helpless and resourceless. That’s an insult to God. He has given us the tools, he has promised us greater works.

What do we not understand about that…? LET’S take a STANCE as we start the new year. –To LIVE out our FAITH. No more of that wimpiness stuff.