The Bible says to be ready ALWAYS to give an answer to whoever asks you. (1Peter 3:15)

When you’re full of love and truth and light, you can always be ready. We should always be ready to help, always be ready to give. We have the most beautiful commission ever given to man, that is to give the love of God wherever we go. We don’t have to live by our own agenda or our own emotions.

Our emotions have nothing to do with our spirit. We have been made free from the dictates of our own emotions. When Christ came in, we ended up being crucified with Him. How cool is that? We’re dead to our own self, to our own emotions, and to our old man.

Think about this… what if you were hired by a boss who has given you an unlimited budget, unlimited power, unlimited resources, unlimited amount of love, unlimited truth, and the sole purpose of your life was to help anyone who needed help, rectify any situation that is wrong, heal any sickness, and cast out any demon in order to help people be free and live happy, without restrictions and limitations.

What if you had all the tools available to give people all that they need in order to learn how to live without stress, how to live healthy, without infirmities or illnesses, how to live empowered, and not be limited by the circumstances and the conditions around them.

Do you realize that when you are born again, you are given all that power, all those resources, all that truth and all that light to chase away all that darkness around you. Now, how cool is that? It is almost unbelievable. Ha! Until you decide to BELIEVE it and to STAND on it and to act on it and to live your life by it, you will not be able to experience and partake of these benefits.

I was one of those that was imprisoned by limitations. I was wrapped up in my self, filled with pride, caged in by my own thinking, framed up by my own self righteousness, boxed in compromises, and limited by circumstances all around me, all the time. Captive to my own boundaries.

 Until I found my true identity, given to me when I was born again, I was not able to be free, to truly change and live out my purpose and destiny.

Yes, I was a Christian, for many years in fact, but then I came to the REALIZATION that in the born again identity, there is all that power, all that authority to destroy the works of the devil on earth.

So, if you are Christian, you too can learn to live “ready”.  You’re already empowered. You’ve got a toolbelt full of all the tools needed to get the job done and completed well. So, use all that has been given to you. Don’t be shy, live the kingdom to the full. Don’t just be a passive Christian, be an active, ready Christian.

And if you’re not a Christian, then decide today to let Christ be at the steering wheel of your life. That’s the reason why He came; to bring you back into full fellowship with the Father so that you can live your life fully…filled with purpose, filled with love, filled with truth. You can tap into that incredible inheritance today.

But whatever you do, don’t just sit on your knowledge. Knowledge only puffs up. It’s the action of faith that brings about the change, that activates your full inheritance right here, right now.

You can live your life on the offensive, on the winning side, and not on the defensive. God has given us power over all the power of the enemy, just like He had! “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” (1Jn 3:8)

There’s no way we can rectify all the wrongs in this world with the wrong answers. That’s what Jesus told Peter when Peter chopped off the ear of the centurion. He said,  “Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” (Mt 26:52) If you try to rectify wrong with wrong, you lose.

But if you use the Sword of the Spirit, which is the sword of God, the truth of God, the incorruptible seed of God filled with truth and love; you’re bound to change whatever needs to be changed around you. It is so amazing when you get a grasp on this realization.

So many people walk around confused, frustrated, blabbing all sorts of untruth and thinking themselves right and they go on living aimlessly. Their compass is going all over the place, their GPS is confused, and they end up going nowhere on a steady basis. How so very sad… !

Come on guys, we have the answer. We have the Light, we know the true north on our compass, and we can help anybody who’s lost. Let’s speak up. Let’s proclaim the truth everywhere we go. Let’s stand up for God, and He will always stand up for us. The power of our weapon is to be able to speak the truth in love. Against such there is no law.

How powerful is that? We are so richly blessed.