YOU Benefit a LOT when Witnessing Your Faith

There are so many ways in which a Christian benefits from witnessing their faith.The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise.” (Pr 11:30) Wisdom!  When the Holy Spirit pours out of us, we gain wisdom!

I have found that as we pour out, the Holy Spirit pours in and you can never outpour Him!He that believes on Me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” (Jn 7:38) You kinda get to revel in those rivers of living water that Jesus talks about.

Once those “living waters” start flowing out of you, more fresh “water” comes in to refresh YOU. You find yourself in the channel of God’s outpouring between Him and the lost. God’s love is always giving and as you share it with others, you get tons of it yourself, you get to enjoy the revelations He shares with others and get to understand His Word even more.

You may not always have in mind the answer to the questions that people present to you, but as you abide in God’s Word, the Holy Spirit gives you answers for those people and then you think, “Oh wow! I never really thought of that, but that sure makes sense!”And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” (1Cor 2:4-6)  In the process of witnessing, you grow in faith, in wisdom!  You can literally get rushes of energizing revelations from the Holy Spirit as He pours out through you!

I conduct a weekly Zoom call with some a group of Christians who are interested in growing in discipleship. I have been sharing with them the importance of always witnessing their faith to others. It’s part of the great commission that Jesus commanded to His disciples before rising to heaven. (Mk 16:15-20))

The more we step out and witness, the more we gain boldness!  (Acts 4:13) And we will grow in faith as we share the Word with others. And by and by, we will lay hands on the sick, cast out demons and heal hearts and minds.

The bottom line is that WE HAVE the ANSWERS! And the more you stay connected to God’s Word, the more you can share God’s light with those in darkness. If only we’re willing to be “instant in season and out of season“. (2Tim 4:2)

It’s amazing how people in the world have no clue about the simple laws of God that could change their lives! With the truth that we have, in passing it on, people could live with direction, answers to difficulties, grace and peace for life’s greatest trials! –As well as understanding the power of thankfulness and praise!  They could live happily, with plenty of joy, and with abundance of all that they need…and plenty to share! –IF ONLY WE’RE WILLING TO SHARE THE TRUTH AND TEACH THEM. Just think of how much help single moms need.

“But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost. In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, least the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, Who is the Image of God, should SHINE unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus our Lord. For God Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give knowledge of the glory of God.”  (2Cor 4:3-6)

When people tell me that they are Christians, I always ask them, “Are you a witnessing Christian? Do you share your faith?” I tell people how it’s a key to growing and seeing the Holy Spirit at work. The Holy Spirit becomes extremely active in our lives when we witness to others.

Some people tell me, “I work at home, so I’m not really in touch with people.”  We all have computers and phones! We can ALL be WITNESSING through the many media platforms to share what God shows us! Or join groups to make ourselves available to pray for people, answer questions and provide guidance. “The kingdom of God is as a man who seweth seeds…”

There are hundreds and hundreds of prayer requests all over Facebook everyday, and we can be lifting those people up not only in prayer but in sharing the truth about whatever difficulty they may be facing.

So there are MANY BENEFITS for YOU in witnessing your faith.

  • You get to SEE the Holy Spirit at work
  • You witness miracles taking place in the lives of others
  • You get 3D, applicable revelations of the Word for others
  • He gives you compassion for the lost and boldness to overcome any inhibitions you may have.
  • And you learn to use the Word, hence you grow in courage and in faith…

 (Note: Download “Handbook for a Disciple of Jesus” for ready access to Word needed in witnessing!) 

Remember, once you open your mouth, He will do the witnessing.  Hallelujah! Happy witnessing.