The Easy Way to Witness

We don’t have a gospel of condemnation, we have a gospel of redemption. Jesus didn’t come to condemn people but to redeem man of his sin nature. We are ambassadors of the best news ever. The good news is the fact that Jesus has paid the full price for the sin of all humanity.

That’s just about the best deal ever given to anybody. That’s good news, nearly “too good to be true”. But that’s exactly what we represent. –The best deal ever.

So there’s no need to approach people pointing your finger of condemnation for how bad they are. That’s what Jesus came for, to save them from their badness.

I witness everyday, and to everybody that I meet. And I always start with an endearing word, and then a compliment. It softens their heart immediately. We all appreciate encouragement, and we can all do with a compliment; someone who’s taken the time to notice something pretty or noteworthy in us.

I believe that if Jesus was to walk around in this world, He would try to lift people up, encourage them and then point the way to the truth. To me that’s the very best approach. I try to tell people what they’re doing right first.

The other day I was at U-Haul about to rent a trailer when an agent was getting railed over by an angry customer on the phone. And he was just patient, considerate, kind and helpful.

And when he hung up, I told him, “Before I state my business, I want to first encourage you for how well you did with that person on the phone. You were no less than a gentleman; kind, patient, considerate and helpful in spite of their outraged attitude and I learned a lot by watching you. I really admire you for that demeanor.”

Well, I don’t need to tell you that I was very well taken care of by him, but I was also able to witness to him about the power of love and humility and how Jesus left us a sample of looking beyond people’s attitudes, and into their hearts. How it’s so much easier to show the love of God when we’re not caught in our own emotions. That agent thanked me many times over.

If you know and live out the Word, It really does not take much to be a witness to people about the love of God. Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is as a man who sows seeds.” And we ought to sow seeds wherever we go; so that people know that they’ve been touched, they’ve been lifted and directed in the direction of God. Or they’ve seen one of God’s law at work.

Showing God to people doesn’t have to done in a “preachy” way. It can come in the form of encouragement on the things that they’re already doing right. I love to show people how easy it is to follow Jesus. It’s actually not all that complicated. You just have to live your life showing love to your fellow man.

There’s yet another thing that people love. They love to talk about themselves, so if you’re a good listener, chances are you’ll be able to help them sort out their thoughts once you have listened to them first.

Remember, we have a gospel of LOVE. We are first loving, and we teach people to love, and to receive love from a loving God.