The Secret to TRUE Christianity

The secret to true Christianity is John 15. Jesus made it quite simple.“Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself neither can you.”  He also said to those who believed in Him: “If you continue in My Word, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you FREE.”

  • free from yourself
  • free from the world
  • free from addiction
  • free from the opinions of man
  • free to share His truth with boldness

It is amazing what the Word does in our lives. It totally aligns us with what life originally was meant to be when created by God.

You will never need to try to find out what God’s will is for your life, because God’s Word is the sure, absolute, revealed will of God. All of the wisdom, all of the knowledge, all of the understanding, all of the direction, all of the discernment you will ever need is right there in His Word.

The Word of God aligns you with your true purpose, it aligns you with your destiny in life. It aligns you with love, the AGAPE LOVE that makes it so that you can deny yourself; so you can prefer your brother, because it makes the purpose of life clear and understandable.

The Word of God is the most powerful weapon in the world! It can do more than split atoms because it can change hearts, it can wash dirtied minds, and it can align any life, no matter how shattered or broken, with a true purpose and a true definition.

Having a full stomach, and a full purse and a full head cannot give you a full heart. In fact, if you put the desires of the flesh above the needs of your spirit, then you will find that nothing ever satisfies. You will become as the world famed poet Lord Byron who despaired at the height of his fame and said, “I have drunk of every fount of pleasure and quaffed every cup of fame, yet alas, I die of thirst.”

Just like you have to eat in order to have physical strength, the good wholesome reliable spiritual food of the Word of God is essential for your spiritual strength and you won’t last long without it.

You need a good feeding and feasting of it everyday. You can have your inward man growing, renewed every day, with the life-changing nourishment of His Word?

 “Though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.” (2 Cor 4:16)