Our PURPOSE is to bring Him Glory.

If we do not determine our purpose in life, we will come to the end empty-handed. God has placed us on this Earth to bring Him glory. Our purpose in life should be to know God and to make Him known. Everything we do should flow from that purpose.

People spend a lifetime trying to find their purpose, or their destiny. Actually the best way to find God’s will is to say “I will” to God. God is giving us the majesty of choice, but He alone knows what is best. Why? Because He created us.

The first requirement in finding your destiny is having no will of your own. Or better said, is to align your will with His. That’s why Jesus said that the first requirement of a disciple is to deny himself. And Paul added, that we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind so that we may know what is that good and acceptable will of God. (Ro12: 1, 2). God gives the very best to those who leave the choice up to him.

There is a little story worth passing on to you.

One time, a young man who had just graduated from Oxford University approached a friend of the family Prime Minister Gladstone, and asked if Mr. Gladstone would listen to the plan he had mapped out for his life. Gladstone said, “fine. Tell me”.

“Well I have graduated, and I intend to take the bar exam and practice law”.

“That’s fine, what then?”

“After some experience, I hope to run for Parliament”.

“That’s great, what then?”

“I hope to make some contribution towards the betterment of our country.”

“Excellent. What then?”

“Well after a while, I will retire”.

“Very well. What then?”

“Well, I guess someday I’ll die”.

“That’s right. What then?”

Well, I don’t know…”

Prime minister Gladstone fixed his eyes on the young man and with a piercing glaze said to him, “young man you are a fool. Go home, and think your life through again”.

Would you get the same response if you had laid out your plans, your purposes, your intentions for your life before God? What is your real purpose for living?

Jesus said, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mat 16:24-25)