If We Witness Our Faith, We GROW!

James tells us very straightforwardly:  “But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”  (Ja 1:22)

It’s just not enough to only know the truth of the gospels. We are admonished to speak the truth and proclaim it!  Active faith is not only to believe in something, but to proclaim it. We have to confess the truth that we know with our mouth. As we actively witness our faith in the many ways the Lord will show us, we find that we keep growing spiritually, by leaps and bounds!

So when James said that we can’t just be hearers of the Word, he is infering that we must also be speakers! –Not just to others but to ourselves as well! We have to activate the Word in our lives. As our minds are renewed by the Words of God, and we speak those Words to ourselves, out of our own mouth, FAITH GROWS!

Jesus said, “Whosoever shall SAY.”

Jesus used the word “say” or “saith” three times in Mat 11: 23. He was making it clear that words have power. But He also said to have faith in God. The words that have power are words that are filled with faith. Believing faith speaks.

Faith comes by hearing the Word coming out of OUR own mouth. –And as faith grows, we grow!  So conversely, if we do not proclaim God’s Word to ourselves and to others, chances are your faith will weaken considerably, even die.

Some people tell me that they can’t witness to others because they work at the computer all day long, or they rarely meet people in their busy schedule. When you stop and think of it, there is really no excuse in our world today, with all the social media platforms, to not be witnessing.

When you know the abundance of counsel and guidance in God’s Word, you could be helping people online, virtually day or night. You can answer people as they spell out their problems, or their prayer requests. You can also invite people to zoom calls where you can teach the Word regularly.

For as long as the gospel stays in church, we’re accomplishing next to nothing towards changing the world outside the church walls. We’re just speaking to an assembly of hearers who are quite often not planning to be doers of the Word that they are hearing.  And that’s how so many Christians remain…as babies.

The only way to grow into a mature and responsible adult in the body of Christ, is by speaking and living what you learn. Knowledge is not enough. In fact knowledge only puffs you up. It makes you proud. You end up thinking that you are better than others just because you know better.

But “knowing better” only makes us all the more accountable. “To whom much has been given, of the same is much required!”  (Lk 12:48) The more we know, the more is required of us! So commit to speaking the truth of God. You can’t negotiate with obedience… You’re either OBEYing or you’re not. But as soon as you do,  you’ll see your life changing along with the many fruits that you’ll be bearing in the lives of others.

We know too much. Let’s not be silent.