It’s a SACRIFICE to Witness and to Evangelize

Like the old lady said when she was told she needed to go out witnessing, “Oh, this just kills me!”

Well that’s exactly what it should do. It should kill your pride, your old self, your selfishness, your egotism, and it may even cause some considerable sacrifice and strain. )See John 12:24, 25)

However, the duty of every Christian is to witness. We don’t do it out of duty, but out of love and obedience to Jesus’ commission as well as in appreciation for what Jesus did for us.

If the whole purpose of our existence was to get saved, the Lord could have worked it out for us to go to heaven as soon as we did. But it is because we are saved that we are sent out as ambassadors of the GOOD news.  “And He said unto them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mk 16:15)

And, He wants to save the whole world, but in order to do so He needs us to tell others about His love, and His message of reconciliation, the Gospel, the good news, to the whole world. Jesus said, “Even as My Father has sent Me, so send I you.” (Jn 20:21)

Remember, the Gospel is good news, not bad news. In all of our witnessing, we should dwell on the positive, not the negative. (See 1 Pet 3:15)

Jesus said, “When you go in someone’s house leave your peace.” In other words, let them know you come in peace. The way I usually start witnessing is either by agreeing to something the person said, or complementing them, or commending them. There is nothing more powerful than encouragement and commendation to start a witnessing conversation. You’re basically telling them that you’re coming in peace, not in confrontation.

Be friendly, loving, understanding, compassionate and sympathetic, establishing as many points of agreement as you can dwell on, things that you share in common, not the points of disagreement.

Fighting over the system issues and false doctrines can be a temptation when you know you’re right and they’re wrong, but that’s a negative type of preaching and witnessing. And that kind of approach does not win people.

The best way to attack points of disagreement is not by a frontal attack against the lies, but just by presenting the light, the positive. Preach the truth, and that alone will shatter the scaffoldings of the lies. He who would win some, must be winsome.

His commission is for His followers today, calling them to give their lives daily in loving concern and care for others, to share His heart and His love with those who are seeking for the way, the truth, and the life. (See Jn 14:6)

The life of God is not in the sower, it’s in the seed. We’re to sow seeds of truth and love into people’s lives and it’s God’s job to win them. We cannot force results, we cannot force people to make a decision. Whether or not they choose to believe and receive and follow the truth is between them and God.

One person sows the seed, another may water it, but it is God that gives the increase. (See 1 Cor 3:6)  We should do all we can to prepare the ground. Our job is simply to go forth bearing precious seeds and to plant them into fertile, fruitful, receptive hearts. We may not always see the harvest ourselves, but as long as we have faithfully done our part, we can leave the rest up to the Holy Spirit.