If SALT Has Lost Its SAVOR

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot” (Mat 5:13).

That verse really gets me… Jesus was saying that if a Christian has lost his fire, his vision, and his effectiveness, then, he’s lost his purpose; and there is no point to your Christianity. Wow!–That one hurts. I don’t quite know how else to view that verse. You can flip flop it around whichever way you want, but it all comes down to the real savor of Christianity. If we do not reflect Jesus and His fullness, we’ve basically lost our FLAVOR. Ouch!

Salt was an important preservative before refrigeration came along.

And since salt preserved meat from rotting, believers in Jesus, distributed His message (savor) to the world, and in a sense, helped to preserve humanity from falling into decay (godlessness, immorality, chaos, and the resulting judgment).

Salt has another important purpose. It also permanently changes the flavor of food, just as the influence of Godly people can permanently change a culture. –Meaning that Christians serve a definite purpose in the world, but that purpose can only be achieved if we live out what we believe and we “sample”  Christ to the world.

We stop serving that purpose when we stop living out John 15 which says, “Abide in Me and In you, as the branch cannot bear fruit on its own without abiding in the vine, neither can you, without abiding in Me” (Jn 15: 4,5).

That verse about the “salt” was not hidden in some obscure chapter of the Bible.  It’s in the most important sermon the world has ever heard…”the Beatitudes”. Jesus was saying that when His followers stop being poor in Spirit, living in repentance and meekness, having an appetite for righteousness, and being merciful, they stop serving their purpose on earth. This is just as catastrophic and unthinkable, the same as if salt were to lose its flavor, or if a light was hidden under a table.

These metaphors and analogies represent the impact that we, as Christians, are meant to have in/on the world. That’s why obedience matters. “If you continue (obeying) My Word, then are you My disciples indeed” (Jn8:31).Otherwise, we will stop being useful, as unflavored salt and hidden light.

That’s the COST of non-discipleship.

God help us ALL.