Have You Deviated?

“All we, like sheep, have all gone astray. We’ve all gone our own way” (Isa 53:6).

At one time or another, we’ve all deviated, definitely before salvation, and most likely after as well. But God still loves us. We are His children and He will always take us back, if we repent, as in the story of the prodigal son.

For some reason, the pull of God is always stronger than the pull of the mire of the swine pit, and we’ll run back home for His fellowship and to the fellowship of His family; back to the joy of the Holy Spirit, back to the food and warmth of the home, where we belong.

Let’s be aware, however, of the devil’s devices. The first tool of the enemy is compromise. If he can’t get you to stop, he tries to get you to compromise. The devil will do everything he can to tempt you to forsake God’s way. He tempts you with half-truths that make you doubt your convictions and not live up to them fully.

Most people don’t realize that if they hold one little thing back from the Lord, one little compromise, they’re on their way to backsliding. Because one little disobedience leads to another, one little refusal and denial leads to another, and one little bit of selfishness leads to more. You May think, “Oh just this one little sin, just this little thing, it’s not important!”

But that little crack in your armor, is where the devil begins to seep in and then his gas of deceit begins to poison your mind, because you have disobeyed and pretty soon you’re totally off the track. –Like the prodigal son who was lured by the pleasures of the world and ended up spending his entire inheritance on debauchery. Compromise will take you OUT! The most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a comfortable one. –If you don’t repent and stop, you could eventually go all the way back on the Lord.

It’s our FAITH that sustains us. Remember, we overcome the world with our faith. It’s keeping our eyes and heart on the Word that opens up the impossible circumstances into possibilities. All things are possible to him that believes. Believing is a daily thing. Faithfulness is faith every day.

Faithfulness is a very important thing to the Lord. “Well Done thou good and faithful servant…” Faithfulness means staying true to Him every step of the way, at every instance. Don’t give the devil an inch or he will take a mile, and eventually everything you’ve got. Give no place to the devil.  (Eph4:28)

It’s never too late to return to the Lord. Even if you’ve lost everything, your birthright and your inheritance, the Father still loves you. And He will receive you with open arms. He’ll take you to His bosom of love and give you a new garment of righteousness, and a new beautiful golden ring of reward that you don’t even deserve, and a feast of thanksgiving and celebration that, this His son, though he was dead, yet now is alive and home again.

Can you hear the father’s voice calling you back home?

Get rid of compromise and return to the Father.