Run to the Father

I love to receive a call from my eldest son, James. Perhaps because he always has a beautiful testimony of what the Lord is doing in his life, or some awesome lesson that he is learning.

Today he was telling me that he had a wonderful day planned out to study the Word, since his wife was with friends at a birthday party. However, the Lord told him to call a brother from his church who recently lost his wife and has been quite down and going through it a lot. Grief is such a heavy load to bear, especially alone.

So, James called this man to encourage him. This brother and his son were on their way to go fishing and invited James to join them. So, James dropped his plan, and went fishing with them. James didn’t catch anything, but what was most amazing was that James was able to lift both of their hearts and they were absolutely encouraged.

James then took them out for lunch, after fishing, and was able to really pour out his heart about some grief that he himself has faced in his own life. And the son asked James point blank, “Where do you go for comfort, what do you do to replace someone you love so much?”

And the Lord gave this verse from Matthew 6:33. So, James said,”Run to the father.”  “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and [all the comfort, all the peace, all the renewed strength strength]  ALL these things shall be added on to you.” The key is quite simple. “Run HOME”. Jesus said, “Come unto Me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find REST unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” (Mat 11:28-30). 

A similar thing happened to me yesterday when I met a long-time missionary friend from many years ago. We had lunch together and she was telling me how she is in so much pain all the time due to a spinal deterioration. I prayed for her, of course, and I also told her, “Whatever you do, do not let the devil have the last word.

“When the pain is excruciating, just ‘run to the Father”. I said, ” I usually bust out in praise, because, for sure, the devil wants to make you look at the waves so that you let go of your faith. But actually once you start praising the Lord and quoting the Word and thanking Him for how wonderful He is, and for all that He has done for you, it does two wonderful things.

“One, it robs the devil of the praise and the attention that he wants, and two, it blesses the Father that you look to Him in your most difficult trying times.” Whether it’s through condemnation, pain, grief, or even sin, the devil is always vying for your attention. He doesn’t want you to go to the Father.

God made it very simple, “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live” (Deut. 30:19). If you read the verses before that, He even says that it’s not complicated nor a secret, “It is not hidden from you, neither is it far off” (v.11). “But the Word is very nigh unto you, in your mouth, and in your heart, that you may do it” (v. 14).

The Father dwells in our praises, and to be able to make the “effort” of praise, (Paul calls it the sacrifice of praise), is most pleasing to the Father.

There are many times in our Christian walk where the answer is not right there, or not right when we would be in dire need of it, but the Father is always there. He can be as good as your expected answer, if not better.

So get in the habit of “running to the Father”.  Keep these verses ever close to you.