The Name of the Game is FAITH through LOVE

There’s ONLY one law to obey today. It is the law of Christ. “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself” (Gal 5: 14). Love is actually stricter than the law because it goes further than the law. Love is more than righteousness, and mercy is greater than justice.

In the Mosaic law, there was virtually no forgiveness. It was “an eye for an eye” and “a tooth for a tooth”. But Jesus said even if our brother offends us seventy times seven times and is sorry, we should forgive him. (Mat 5:38, 39; 18: 21, 22).

The law of Moses said that there is no remission of sins without the shedding of blood. That was the law, but Jesus said, “This is the New Testament in My blood” (1 Cor 11:25). Jesus demonstrated love by fulfilling the law that we couldn’t keep. He died on the cross to provide remission of all our sins. But we must receive His gift by faith.

He was the final ultimate sacrifice and He took the punishment of your sins and that was the greatest love sacrifice. It cost a priceless gift for you to get saved. And through that sacrifice, every sin is forgiven, except one; –Not to believe in that one priceless sacrifice.

That was the great reset. Love replaced the law. Now everything must be done in His love. We must have more mercy and more love than the law. The Old Law was only obeyed because they had to and they would only do as much as they were made to do. Whereas love goes all the way! It’ll go to the death and die for someone else to do the right thing. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man will lay down his life for his friend” (Jn 15:13).

Jesus is the model for selfless love; He introduced AGAPE love. The God-kind of love. A pure, sacrificial love that intentionally desires another’s highest good. Contrary to the way the world loves selfishly, Jesus loved unselfishly and taught His disciples to aim for the same type of love. A love that is almost indescribable, a product of the very character of God, Who is perfect LOVE.

And now, through the filter of Jesus’ love, we are able to love our neighbor as we are called to. The spirit of LOVE in us will give us the power and the strength to love others more than we love ourselves. This is what God’s been working on all the time, to persuade us to do things through the right loving motivation: because we love Him and we love others. And therefore, we want to do the right thing. Do you?