Why Keep the Scaffoldings Up If the Building is FINISHED?

Jesus said, “It is finished.”  The old scaffoldings of the Old Law are no longer needed. His mission of reconciling man to God was DONE. His sacrifice was the final sacrifice. No more need for sacrifices, no more need for the old scaffoldings to prop up the old man from his sinful nature, which he  constantly defaulted to. Christ’s sacrifice redeemed man into full re-union with His Father.

And the Spirit of God could now LIVE inside of man again. Man could become the TEMPLE of God. That is the entire message of the New Testament. THAT mystery of all ages, Christ in YOU. Not the law, but Christ living in YOU.

WE are now the temple of the Holy Spirit of God. That’s why there’s no more need for the old temple. “In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple(AY) in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit” (Eph 2:21).

God no longer lives in temples made by hand. That was in the Old Testament. God could not live in sinful man then, but the redemption-mission is done. Jesus said, “It is FINISHED” (Jn 19:30). The building is done. No more need for the scaffoldings of the old law… No need for rituals. We’re now His temple. We can now be fully POSSESSED by the Spirit of God.

No wonder that on the day of Pentecost the disciples busted out in all kinds of local tongues, and spoke out the Word of God in so many different languages. The Spirit of God was free to SPEAK and reach out with the MESSAGE to everyone in Jerusalem in THEIR own tongue. They were all filled with God’s Spirit and He was speaking through them with BOLDNESS. (Acts 2:4)  –How intense is that?!?!?

That’s the image that God gave to man originally. He had created man with His Spirit in him. –Hallelujah, His Spirit is back.

I am BLESSED. I can’t NOT be blessed. I’m possessed by the living Spirit of God which gives me BOLDNESS, light, and savor to “salt”  those I meet with HIS savor, the TRUE meaning to life. (Mat 5:13-16)

What amazing FREEDOM we have (Jn 8:32). We’re free from ourselves, we’re free from our own feelings and the glitch in the programming of the old man. We’re made anew… a NEW creature, born of God, with God IN us. Now, how cool is that!?!? That’s BIGGER than the American dream. Better than La Vegas… you can’t lose for winning. You’re on the WINNING side, forever. That’s the best deal EVER…And it’s FREE

We are walking Jesus ambassadors!  (2 Cor 5:20) Christ living in us… Once we get a hold of that revelation, life can NEVER be the same again.

Be BLESSED with HIS presence in YOU… ALWAYS, and in ALL ways.