The One DAY That Changed The History of The WORLD

Jesus gave His disciples predictions about His death and the events that followed: “So that when it does take place you may believe” (Jn 14:29). In fact, all throughout His ministry, He not only told people that He was the Son of God, but that He would die and RISE AGAIN. He predicted His resurrection three times.

Matthew gives a detailed account of that morning: “At dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. The angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; He has RISEN, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay’” (Matthew 28:1-6).

Why did Jesus predict His resurrection? Why did He make such outrageous claims? Because it proved that He was telling the truth. He claimed to be the Son of God and the only way to heaven.  Jesus was the only One who proved to be God. Jesus told people that His sacrifice, His blood shed for our sins, was going to establish a new covenant, a new contract between God and man (Mat 26:28). And that’s exactly what He did.


Remember, Jesus intentionally came to earth to die for our sin-nature. Contrary to most religious teachings, it’s not all our little sins that separates man from God. Those are only the consequent repercussions of the original rebellion of man that took place in the garden with Adam. That rebellion caused a major glitch in man’s programming. He was now living selfishly. He became self-willed and proud. The selfie generation started back then.

Jesus’ death was the final sacrifice that paid the debt of that rebellion for all (Heb 9:28). His death and resurrection was the ultimate purpose of His ministry. Because that was the only way to redeem man to his original purpose and assignment. Remember He came to restore the kingdom of God to man.

The resurrection of Jesus was the dawn of a different era. A whole new era for humanity; a new testament was now established between God and man. The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in all history. So much so that every time anyone writes a date, they are using Jesus Christ as the reference point. Every date is dated from the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The resurrection of Christ is far from being a myth; even historians recognize it as one of the most documented facts in history. He became the most important figure in all world history! Because through His victory over death and the devil’s hostage stance on man, God gave ALL authority to Jesus. (Mat 28:18 Jn3:35 Jn 5:26, 27, Phil 2:9-11). The resurrection means that Christ is truly the King and Victor, seated “far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked” (Eph 1:21). The new covenant between God and man is no small thing. It governs ALL of life on earth and in heaven. 

Jesus prophesied that, from hereon, the law of Moses would be done with, and man could be redeemed by FAITH alone. He said that those who believe in Him would have eternal life and be reconciled to God (Jn 11:25, 26, 1Cor 4:15, 12-20, Jn 3:16, Jn 3:1-21).

The faith of all believers revolves around the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Jesus did not die and rise again after three days, then the entire hope of the believer is based upon nothing but lies and falsities. In short, mankind’s sinful nature would not be forgiven and changed (Rom 4:25). If it wasn’t for the resurrection we would have to continue living as the Jews of old and offering animal sacrifices to God for the redemption of our sins.

The meaning of resurrection symbolizes the complete verification of all that Jesus preached and taught during His three year ministry. It was the final proof of his outlandish proclamations. If He had not risen from the dead, He would have been considered just another teacher or Rabbi. However, His resurrection changed all that and gave final and irrefutable proof that He was really the Son of God and that He had conquered death once and for all.

The resurrection means that love is stronger than death. It was for love that God gave His only Son (Jn 3:16); it was for love that Jesus died on the cross (Jn 15:13). It is for love that the risen Lord interceded and keeps interceding for us (Rom 8:34). The resurrection is fraught with love. He proved greater Love. “Greater love hath no man than this than a man lay down His life for his friends” (Jn 15:13). 

Jesus said, “Because I live, you also will live” (John 104:19). ‘How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation” (Heb.2:3).