Did you know that our universe, the major astral bodies of our solar system such as the sun and its planets and their moons and the earth, as well as the stars of every galaxy, all work in perfect order and unison? Each stays put where it belongs, and only orbits where it’s supposed to, in the path it’s supposed to follow, and at the speed it’s supposed to go, so that they never collide, and their courses can be calculated to the split second.

Anyone with a reasoning mind can look at the creation to know that somebody had to put it together and design it and pattern it and make it work like that. Reason alone excludes disorder in this perfect architectural creation.

Why did the devil and man cook up the ridiculous, idiotic scheme of evolution, if it’s not to get rid of God. What did the devil know he had to do to prevent people from believing in Christ? He knew he had to destroy their belief in the Book of Genesis, the story of Creation. Charles Darwin was the devil’s tool who finally gave the world the excuse it was looking for to not believe in God.

Nowadays, people automatically think of evolution when they hear any mention of God, because that’s the whole purpose of evolution: to eliminate faith in God and to foster the false doctrine of devils that the creation created itself, so there does not need to be a God. It could have happened without Him.

Evolution is a religion of unbelief in God. And it is a religion which has to be believed by faith, because as far as any proof of evolution or concern, even Margaret Mead, the famous anthropologist admitted, “we, as honest scientists, must confess that science has yet to discover one single iota of concrete evidence to prove evolution!”

Dr. Robert A. Milliken, the great nuclear physicist who pioneered the spitting of the atom, said, “if you say that this watch just put itself together, invented itself, you’d be crazy! And just as there had to be a watchmaker behind the synchronized perfection and order of every watch, so there had to be a Divine Designer and Creator behind the intricate precision of the universe”.

Evolution is the devil’s greatest lie and most clever piece of teaching, because if you can get people to doubt one word in the Bible, they will soon doubt the whole Bible (Luke 16:31). 1Timothy 6:20

God’s greatest credentials and the genuine proof of His authority are His glorious Creation. It is a constant testimony of His existence. “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, his creation, even his eternal power and godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).

Although the whole creation testifies of the existence of the invisible God, the world refuses to receive the testimony, because they’re in rebellion against God. They don’t want to know Him and they don’t want to confess that He exists because if they recognize Him, then they have to admit that they owe Him some kind of obeissance and obedience.

If the world and its inhabitants are God’s creation, then they’re His property. And if they are His property, then he’s got the right to be the Boss.–Not them! Those who refuse to see God in His creation are like the farmer, the first time he saw a giraffe, who said, “there just ain’t no such a thing”. But just because they won’t believe it, doesn’t make it not so.

True science acknowledges the existence of God, and the honest scientists know that there’s something, somebody, some planner, some designer behind it all. Dr. Steiner, the world’s greatest authority on the living human cell, said, “after 30 years of study of the human cell, I cannot help but marvel at the Divine Designer who made it”. Or James Clerk Maxwell, the Scottish scientist genius, and Lord Kelvin, the British inventor of the absolute scale of temperature, declared “science is incompetent to reason upon the creation of matter itself, out of nothing” and “we must pause, face to face, with the mystery and miracle of the creation of all living creatures”.

Sir William Herschel, the german-born astronomer and discoverer of the planet Uranus, said, “all human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of confirming more and more strongly the Truth contained in the Bible”.

Today, God is giving man more and more evidence of His existence through the marvels of His creations, and all that we see, teaches us to trust the Creator for all we have not seen.

What is most sad is that the world has abandoned faith in creation for the teaching of evolution, and the result is total chaos. By abandoning God, the Bible and Christianity, and putting nothing in its place except the animalistic, cannibalistic religion of evolution, the world is plunging itself into total anarchy and total confusion. –Because you cannot have any kind of order without some kind of moral basis, a code of conduct, a sense of right and wrong, good and evil.

The logic of evolution is, if you’re just a beast, then live like one. After all there is no planner, then there is no plan. If there’s no ruler, then there are no rules. If there is no judge, then there is no judgment. If there is no God, then there is no right or wrong. If life is only the natural “survival of the fittest” then there are no crimes. Romans 1:28.

To abandon the ruler, they had to throw away all the rules and the result is total anarchy. To abandon the One who gives the orders, they had to abandon order, and the result is total confusion. To get rid of God they had to get rid of the absolutes, the right and the wrong, and the meaning and the reason for things. And when you do, it leads to insanity, madness, and destruction “for they have sown to the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind” (Hosea 8 7).