Proceed as if SUCCESS is Inevitable

That’s the way Jesus operated. His whole life was purposeful. He had one thing in mind… to destroy the works of the devil wherever He went and to preach the Kingdom of heaven. He was so focused that He would be “amazed” at the lack of FAITH in the disciples. He even rebuked His disciples for fearing in the face of a storm… or for not having the faith to deliver the demon possessed child, etc. He did not stand for unbelief.

All great men of God became one-track minded. If you didn’t want to talk about God in their presence, they didn’t want to even talk to you. Like Paul said, “This one thing I do…” The fact is, we’ve been translated from darkness into the Kingdom of His dear Son. We’re no longer of the world, so why should we want to keep talking about the world or the things of the world?

The whole point of the Gospel is the fact that the Father has given us the Kingdom and we’re to enforce the VICTORY of Christ on earth. Jesus said, “Occupy till I come.”  That’s what a military takeover does. The military occupies the conquered territory till a new government is put in place. We’re empowered with the victory of Christ and we’re to enforce it by destroying the works of the devil around us.

Grace not only gives us freedom, but it also gives us power. It gives us freedom from sin, not the right to sin, but the power to live above sin and to enforce the new government of Christ’s victory on earth now.

“Church” should be a training camp not a nursery. We all have a responsibility to the Gospel. We all have to tune out the world and take in more of Jesus everyday. There should be an alarm in hell when we all leave church. “Oh oh, they’re out!”

We must be very sensitive to the dangers of comfort. Comfort puts us to sleep. Everything in this world caters to comfort and convenience. We have a remote control so we don’t have to get off the couch. Christianity is not for comfort. We can’t be watching TV everyday and expect to perform miracles. We can’t just expect to pause the TV show we’re watching to pray for the sick and expect a miracle. It takes MORE commitment than that.

The most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a comfortable one. True, it doesn’t cost you a dime to get saved, but it’ll cost you your life to live out your Christianity. Jesus said so: “If anyone will come after Me, let him deny himself…”

Christianity is first militant. So much of the conversation of the new testament is about warfare. Yes, it’s true that Jesus already won the war against the devil, but we’re here to enforce that victory. It says, “The gates of hell will not prevail against you.” All of creation is waiting for us to wake up and show up. God wants to use us to LIGHT up the world.  How does a son of God act? He enforces the Kingdom of God.

Every hour, nearly 7,000 people die. Every day nearly 170,000 people die. It is given to man to once die, and then the judgement… not to be reincarnated, and have another chance. How many of those people actually go to heaven because of our vigilant and militant effort to tell them the truth about salvation?

The Gospel is the POWER of God in us. “The Gospel of Christ…is the POWER of God unto salvation to everyone that believes.” (2Cor 11:23-26). It is a POWER working in us.  The Word says, “Exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the POWER that works in us.” (Eph 3:20). That POWER has to be working in us.

It’s a propelling and compelling power that makes us want to LIGHT up the world with TRUTH. We have to realize, once and for all, that we’re not part of a dormant religion, but we’re a militant group with one purpose. One thing in mind: to proclaim the truth and to enforce the Kingdom of God against the machinations of the devil.

We must be fighters. Not ONLY for our children who are the devil’s main target, but for the unsaved world.

We must be in the Word in order to reflect the Word and enforce the Word. One thing… and to proceed as if SUCCESS is inevitable, like Jesus did.