There’s no EGO in Christianity

When you’ve decided to give your life to Jesus, then you’re crucified with Him (Gal 2:20). Your ego really shouldn’t exist anymore. You’re a new man with new blood flowing through your veins (Rom 6:4). Even Jesus said, “I only say what My Father says, and I only do what My Father does”.

Your only desire becomes very simple and focused. You only want to do His will. You don’t have to worry about promoting yourself, showing off or being noticed. Your only propelling force is your desire to obey the agape love, which is the great commission. (Mark 16:15-19)

Those people who want to give you an earful about how difficult it is to follow Jesus, have not yet understood their new identity in Christ. They’ve not yet died to themselves in order for Him to live through them. They like to complain and let you know how so very difficult it is to follow Jesus or how they’re so going through it.

That’s not really living the Christian life. Yes, we are to die daily, but we can die quietly. Paul says, “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires(Gal 5:4). Our devotion to Him keeps the old man down and shut up. And our commitment to living what He says, dictates the pace of our new life. We live in victory, we live a happy life, we’re free, and we have such a light about ourselves that we shine. The  only thing that reflects from our being is the love of Christ.

We die daily and we die quietly. We do not promote our woes, rather we extol His virtues, we walk in His triumph. –because our mind is renewed, in fact our mind is made up, we are focused on His promises.

Hallelujah, what a life !