YOU Empower Your (own) THOUGHTS

Everytime you focus on your stress, you magnify it. Change your thoughts as soon as you’re stressing. Your have the POWER to focus on something else, virtually immediately. That’s why the Bible tells us to “keep all your thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Christ”. (2Cor 10:5)

You can’t be in stress and in faith at the same time. You can’t say that you’re trusting God and then be stressed about your problem. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways (Jam 1:8). Focusing on the possibilities of God, will eliminate the impossibilities of the circumstances. Focusing means magnifying and amplifying and not wavering. Focusing means being single-minded.

Taking every thought captive means full-on focusing on the possibilities of God. It means a total change of focus from looking at the glaring circumstances. The more we think on the wrong things, the more we empower them, and the more you’re closing yourself to God’s opportunities.

Our behavior is directly conditioned to who we believe we are in Christ. Your thinking dictates the language that governs your confession. For good or for bad. Your confession will determine the outcome either way.

But a double-minded person is constantly tossed and consequently cannot receive anything from the Lord. We’re vacillating, we trust one minute and we fear the other minute. Paradoxically, “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Heb 11:1)

Our perception has to match God’s view of us. Whenever we give the power of our perception to the negative, we give our agreement to a negative result and we’re then captive to the circumstances and conditions. We empower those circumstances to become bigger than the majesty of God. You give POWER to what you focus on. Every time you focus on the negative, you give life to it.

We were created to magnify, that’s the power of imagination given to us by God. That’s what makes us creators. The main device of the enemy is to make you doubt. Doubt who you are, and doubt God’s ability to come through. His aim is to try to get you to meet your own needs, your own way, which never turns out well.

We should be fascinated with who God is for us. That’s why worship, praise, and thanksgiving are the keys to magnifying God. Worship should be a lifestyle. Why? Because we constantly need to magnify God and His promises for us to avail ourselves of that potential. It is there at our disposal, but only through thinking (focusing) on the things of God.

We can become so fascinated by who He is for us, through us and in us that it becomes impossible to see any opposition, any lack, or any challenge as more overwhelming than He is.

Predetermine from the start to focus on God so that you will default to praise and worship in the face of any difficulty.

David wrote “My heart is fixed trusting I’m the Lord” (Ps 112:7). A predetermined choice made him face Goliath. He wasn’t going to be moved. He was fixed. You anchor yourself before the storm hits.

God wants our will on His side so we can partner with Him. Reverse your thinking and dictate a different outcome. Don’t let any circumstances get on top of you. Change your thoughts, change your focus, change the outcome.

This is one of the main lessons we need to learn as believers. It’s the DOING of God’s Word that brings out the fruit. Jesus said, it’s the empowering of God’s Word in you that will bring out the divine outcome (Mat 7:24-27). And James added, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves” (Jam 1:22). In other words, you fool yourself into thinking that the Word will work for you, if you don’t fully STAND on God’s Word alone.

WOW, God help us ALL.