A Miracle Against Cancer

On a weekly basis, I meet with my family, that is my own brothers and sisters, on a Skype call. We live in different parts of the world and it’s a wonderful way for us to stay abreast of what’s happening in our respective families.

Most of them are not believers, having been offended by religion while growing up. However, quite a few of them are open to the spiritual laws that God has set in motion in our universe and I often bring out those laws to keep witnessing to the all.

Anyhow, this last Sunday, one of my younger brothers announced to everyone that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and that it was spreading and therefore the doctor had suggested chemotherapy. Now, I should add that we lost four other members of our family to cancer in the last few years, and having learned all that we’ve learned recently about the power of healing, my wife and I weren’t about to take this news lying down.

I was displeased by everyone’s acceptance of this news as fatal, as if cancer had greater power than God. So I spoke up and said that whether we believe in God or not, they are laws of the universe that God has set in motion for all, and they work for everyone whether for good or for bad. And one of those laws is the power of WORDS.

I said, even in quantum physics, they’ve proven that words will affect plants, water, and every living thing including our own body which happens to be 80% water. If we speak death we will harvest death but if we speak LIFE we will harvest life. And consequently, I was insisting that we all speak LIFE and not accept this news as a defeat.

My bold intervention was somewhat of a “hair in the soup”. I was very vocal by telling everyone that Linda and I will definitely speak LIFE and curse that cancer so that it no longer lives in the body of my brother.

In the course of the week, I communicated with a couple of my relatives to further explain the power of words. How words are real LIVING things, they bless or they curse, and they end up being the rudder of our destiny. They are seeds that we sow into our life, and inevitably, you are harvesting the kind of fruits that you have been sowing through your words.

Anyhow, I made clear that Linda and I were going to speak life and not death and to rebuke this cancer, as the demon that it is. Knowing that all power is given unto us to cast out demons and to destroy the works of the devil.

Linda and I are part of a healing group whereby we meet weekly to pray for different healing needs. All those who are part of this group are already healers whereby they lay hands on the sick and they recover, according to Mark 16:15-20.

So when we met on our Zoom call this last week, we all agreed together that this cancer was going to die, and that there would be no repercussions or ill effects on its way out and that this demon would go out once and for all.

Well, fast forward to yesterday Sunday, when I met with my family again on a Skype call, my brother announced that he had just been to his doctor who told him that his cancer had diminished 95% and they decided to not do chemotherapy.

I, of course, busted out in praise giving glory to God as I knew that it was our vitriolic, militant cursing of this demon that caused it to go, so rapidly and definitely. What a victory. Not only for my brother who’s HEALED but for all my “unbelieving” brothers and sisters to see such an immediate answer to demanding healing.

We did not beg God but talked to that cancer itself. We used the authority invested in us by Jesus to destroy the work of that devil, with our words. We spoke to cancer itself.

Jesus said speak to the mountain, not to God about the mountain, but to the mountain about God. If you noticed in the New testament Jesus never asked God to do the miracle for him. He spoke to the problem. And He gave us that same authority to do the same works, even greater works. And he is glorified in the fact that we bear much fruit.

Glory to God. And THANK you Jesus for paying such a price for us to have the full inheritance of the New Testament, now.