Holiness is Integrity of Character

Integrity is really the sum total of your character. Character is when your words, your actions and your life are all the same. A person without character will say one thing, do another and promise something else. So you never know who you’re talking to when you’re talking to them.

The person with integrity is willing to sacrifice for his principles. He’s willing to sacrifice friendship to stick to his principles. Character is extremely important because it defines you. You’d lose your best friend in order to keep your principles. Who are you with right now, that you shouldn’t be with? What are you doing right now privately that you shouldn’t be doing? Are you willing to sacrifice that to protect your principles?

Integrity is a Godly characteristic. It means you are one and the same, all the time. The Bible says, “The Lord our God is One.” He’s the same One, all the time. He doesn’t change all the time. He’s dependable. He’s trustworthy. It says, “Be holy as God is holy.”  (1 Pet 1:15,16). The words translated “holy” and “holiness” have to do with being “set apart”, “separate”, “different”, or “dedicated”. The absolute moral purity of God’s character sets Him apart, making Him different from every other living creature. Yet He calls His people to be holy as He is holy.

Holiness doesn’t have anything to do with mere obedience of God’s laws. God is morally and ethically perfect by nature. So how can we set ourselves apart to reflect God’s holiness in the way we live? By living with integrity. Jesus actually raised the bar on obeying the law by showing people how to obey from the heart. It has to come from your heart, from your fixed principles. David, who was known as a man after God’s own heart, said, “My heart is fixed trusting in the Lord.” (Ps 112:7).

Holiness is integrity. It means you’re not a different person on Monday that you are on Tuesday. You’re not a different person at 11:00 p.m. on Saturday night than you are on Sunday morning.

When you have integrity, you have values and principles that you adhere to, people can trust you. The foundation for trust is integrity. Your word is always good, your word is always trustworthy. What you say today will be true tomorrow. You do what you say, your actions always match your principles.

Your principles are integrated into your life. That’s really what integrity means. Regardless of how people dress or appear to be, should not matter to you. The Bible says, “God looks not on the outward appearance but on the heart.” Or you might say, on the integrity of a man.

If what you preach is not lived out and demonstrated in your life, if it doesn’t match your everyday demeanor, it cannot be trusted. That’s why the Bible says, “Know them that labour among you.” (1Thes 5:12). Don’t just bring anyone to teach, unless you know they live it out first.

Even charisma can be deceiving. Seek integrity because it’s “through and through”. Seek people who lead with their life. Your life should be the sum total of your words. Never trust a salesman who doesn’t use what he’s selling. If those words are not lived out, they’re just words. That’s a good principle for choosing your friends. Surround yourself with people who walk out the same principles that you stand by.