The “DIRT” Revelation

I was listening to one of Andrew Womack ‘s Bible classes today and he was talking about how God made SAND to turn into GLASS when heated? You can’t see through sand, but once it’s been heated, and it has become glass, you can! It simply changes form. There are so many components and properties to dirt which could create so many other elements.

There are laws of chemistry which God created to allow for different components to be put together with other components to create other elements. Just think of all that has been created from gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, iron, etc, all of which were discovered in the ground… DIRT. –All by “rearranging” their components. God is the One who made it so that certain minerals put together with other minerals will create an entirely different substance. God has thought through everything from creation. Another way of saying this is, virtually everything that is above the ground now, was originally in the ground. But you’ve got to “rearrange” it.

The same is true in the spiritual realm. God put everything that you will ever need for your “born again” life, inside of you already, right from the start. But it’s in “raw form” like dirt. It has to have the Word to quicken it, to be the catalyst that makes those things grow and come out of the ground–your heart. Jesus said so, in the parable of the seed. God created the seed as an illustration of what all you could harvest in your spiritual life if you just put God’s seed of His Word in the fertile ground of your faith-full, believing heart.

You’ve got everything in Christ that you need, but it has to be activated by taking God’s Word and putting it into your life. You’ve got everything inside of you to “activate” your role as a manager of God’s government on earth. You don’t have to go get something new, but rather you’ve got to discover what you already have. The more you dig into God’s Word, the more you discover revelations out of it. It’s like going into a mine and finding a vein of gold. You just have to keep digging and there’s always more.

The thing that makes your faith become “effectual” is the acknowledging of what you already have (Philemon 1:6). “Acknowledging” implies that you already have a cognitive awareness of it. It’s already in your knowledge, but you’ve got to activate it. Act-knowledge. Act upon what you already know.

Paul said, “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead.” (Eph 1:.18-20).

In religion, it was always in the future; you had to wait for it…”There’s going to be victory, and we’ll be healed in heaven, and we’ll have joy in heaven.” It was all in the “sweet by and by”, but there was not much for the “rough now and now”. But Paul says that the same power that was used to raise Jesus Christ from the dead is in you.

The average believer thinks that somehow or another we’ve been touched by God when born again, and we have a little bit of power and authority, but most people wouldn’t put themselves in the same category as Jesus. But I’m actual fact, when you got born again, it was “the Spirit of His Son that came inside of you, crying ‘Abba Father.'” You  literally have God Himself, the Godhead dwells in you. (Col 2:9,10) And you are complete in Him, you have the fullness of God in your spirit, but it has to be released by acknowledging what you already have.

Paul is praying, in Ephesians, that your eyes will be open to see the power that you have.–The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.  You’ve got the “raising from the dead power” on the inside of you (Rom 8:11). If right now, you’re thinking, “I don’t have any power,” perhaps because you’re fighting sickness, depression, loneliness, fear of people, etc, the truth is, you already have the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.

But you’ve got to pray that prayer where Paul prays, that God would dwell in your hearts by faith that you might be able to comprehend that revelation and you’ve got to get it out of your spirit into your mind. You’ve got to acknowledge it and renew your mind with that revelation. If you are born again, it’s already there but you’ve got to acknowledge it for it to be released into your life. It’s all been put in the DIRT of your heart.

In Romans 7, Paul says, “In me, that is in my flesh, dwells no good thing.” –That is true. But that is in your flesh. But in your born again spirit, you have the fullness of the Godhead and the victory of Christ. The believer’s life is focused on who you are in Christ and not your flesh, not the things that you’ve done wrong.

The devil is always pointing out things that you’re saying and doing wrong. Just realize once and for all that you won’t ever do everything right. But get so full of what you have in Christ and just how big He is within you. Just focus on who you are in Christ and not on all of the things you’re not doing right.

There are more revelations and more to discover in the DIRT of your heart. Plant a seed from God’s Word…