Stand Up To Cancer

Something needs to be said about “accepting” the cancer’s fate as a fact. I think that we have the power to break the curse of cancer and people should realize that cancer can be stood up to.

The fact that we bow to the fatal cancer word is not correct. Cancer is an obstacle that can be overcome like any other. If people would educate themselves about the power of thoughts and the power of words, they would realize that there is an inner force accessible to everyone to defeat whatever obstacle that comes up.

The worst is when religious doctrines get mixed up with healing, because most “believers” do not exercise true faith due to some weird beliefs and theology that pollute faith. If you believe that it is God who afflicts people with sickness to teach them some lessons, how can you look to God to heal when you’re convinced He’s the one causing it. “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways”.

Jesus Himself told the religious people that “because of their weird practices and doctrines and traditions, they make the Word of God of none effect”. God is love, so how can a father who loves His children allow bad things to happen to the children he loves. Jesus said, “how much more your Heavenly Father knows how to give good gifts to His children”. (Mat 7:11) So if you want to bring God in, leave religion out.

The law that God uses is: “Calling things that are not (yet manifest) as tho they were”. (Rom 4:17). It means calling into existence the things that do not exist (yet). You essentially summon the things that do not yet exist as though they already do exist. There’s a name for it in quantum physics, it’s called a lot of attraction. But actually, it’s really the law of creation. That’s the law that God used when creating the world.

That’s the same law that a couple uses when “saying” they want to have a baby. They don’t see the baby yet. It’s first born in their imagination and desire. Jesus said, “what things you DESIRE, when you pray, believe that you will have them, and they will manifest” (Mark 11:24). You don’t believe when you see it, you believe when you pray. The “believing” starts in your mind, in the desire. Ask any child who really wants something and he/she will tell you how it works.

God changed the name of a man, Abram, when he and his wife were sterile, to Abraham which means “father of a multitude”. God spoke of Abraham’s descendants into existence when as yet, there were none. And Abraham was crazy enough to believe it. God taught the ability to speak of impossible things and, in the speaking, make them possible.

Looking into the future, you can speak of things that do not exist as if they do exist. It’s not just about the power of words, but the power of FAITH. How much “wanting” you put into those words. You believe when you speak it. 

Not only God wants us well but He’s told us how to get well. More than that, He’s put healing inside of our body to guarantee health throughout our lives; it’s called the immune system. And He has set spiritual laws in motion to activate it. And your thinking has a lot to do with your healing. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Not only do we become what we think but we have the power to alter our thoughts to bring about a different outcome. This is a power given to each one of us.

There’s tremendous power in belief. And believing involves thoughts and words. Look at a person who keeps damning his job, his boss, his Mondays, he/she ends up in a “cursed” impasse. It’s a bit difficult not to include God in the principles of Quantum Physics, because He’s the one that established them.

None of these universal laws came about from a “big bang”, God is the one that set them in place for our good. The very fact that our universe, the major astral bodies of our solar system such as the sun and its planets and their moons and the earth, as well as the stars of every galaxy, all work in perfect order and unison; Each stays put where it belongs, and only orbits where it’s supposed to, in the path it’s supposed to follow, and at the speed it’s supposed to go, so that they never collide, and their courses can be calculated to the split second. That alone is no small feat. And to assume that all this was generated from a “big bang” does stretch one’s imagination and faith.

If you don’t want to bring God in, that’s up to you, but the laws of God remain, and they work all the time, for everyone, for good or for bad. “Life and death is in the power of the tongue.” (Pro 18:21) That’s a fact. The power of words on a plant for instance, causes it to respond accordingly; kind words make it grow beautifully and cursed words will cause it to wither. Our words do affect living things. The same with water; water that has been evil spoken to, once frozen, has no beauty in its crystals. Whereas water that has been spoken well to, once frozen, has impeccable crystals.

The same is true of our body which is essentially made of 60% water. The power of your thoughts and the power of your words on your body, on our health, dictates explicitly the outcome of your well-being. That is a known fact.

So, by the same token you can reverse cancer with the sheer power of your thoughts and your words. All thoughts and all words towards a fatal medical condition have to be reversed by extremely positive speaking and be full of faith.

Faith is powerful. It is an actual substance. It’s the outcome of the things that we hope for. It is the evidence (as if you had the Title in hand), of the things that are not yet seen. You can buy a property online, and receive the Title in the mail, and fully believe that you own that property, even though you may have never seen it. That is what faith is.

“Faith without works is dead”, and faith without words is also dead. You can’t believe something and speak something else. You’ve got to speak ONLY words that express the desired outcome and only make plans accordingly. Faith never lets go, it only sees the end result.

Everybody uses faith everyday. We raise children with the faith that they will turn out alright according to what we teach and what we speak to them. We build businesses using faith that our every decision and venture will give us the desired outcome.

So why not use faith against cancer. Why accept defeat because of the big fatal bad word that the doctor has spoken on you. You were called names when you were little and you no longer wear those labels. So, it’s the same with cancer. It’s only a name. And Jesus is the name above ALL names which all names have to bow to.

We have all seen miracles of recovery from major accidents, major traumas, major defeats, and even from major debauchery, all throughout the business world, the military world, and even with many different parental situations. Miracles do happen. In fact, you can create a miracle. Jesus taught how to do it in Mk 11:23. “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall SAY unto this mountain (cancer), Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he SAITH shall come to pass; he shall HAVE whatsoever he SAITH”. It’s an entire conference on healing in one verse. He explained how to make your faith work a miracle. Miracles come through the powerful seed of faith.

There is unlimited power in a seed. In fact, it has the power to produce a miracle. Every seed does. (That’s another wrinkle that the theory of evolution can’t get its head around). They’ve found seeds in the pharaoh’s tombs, thousands of years in the dark, and they’ve put them in the ground and boom, they grew.

Seeds produce their own kind.  There is no evidence whatsoever of any seed bearing any kind of fruit outside of its own kind. Including humans. That’s why humans can’t come from monkeys. You get what you sow. That’s a law of the universe. Same with words. Words are seeds.

The awesome thing is, if you don’t like the harvest, you can change the seed. It’s as simple as that. And that’s how you break a curse. You stop feeding those fatal thoughts, you stop kowtowing to fate, you stop bowing to the bad news of the News Media, and you trust that there’s more power in the universe at your disposal to overrule the doctor’s fatal diagnosis. In other words, you immediately change the seed and it immediately affects your eventual harvest.

You’ve got to educate yourself beyond the news media, and political correctness, and awake to greater truths. Words are real things. They bless or they curse. Words are alive and they remain in the atomic atmosphere. That’s how a child will grow up with the ongoing resonance of a teacher’s words who once told him “you will never amount to anything”. Words have power to bless or to curse. Once they are spoken, they have a life of their own.

You’ve got to think outside the box (TV).  You’ve got to not even consider chemotherapy as an option to recover. Chemotherapy will kill even a well person. It’s imperative to start speaking health and wellness and refuse to talk or to hear others speak of fatality and surrender. Only words of health and wellness. That’s when stubbornness becomes a blessing.

Present your stance to everyone around you, either by email, or by word of mouth. And don’t let anyone speak fatality to you or about you. YOU can work a miracle. But as Jesus said, none of it will work when buried in the traditions of men (religion). They only work, if YOU work them (through your faith). Here’s another whole conference from Jesus in just a short passage, check it out. He says, Christianity won’t work unless you work it. (Mt 7:24-27)

It’s part of the political correctness agenda to make fun of faith, and it’s big pharma’s agenda is to subdue people to fate.

So it takes a whole lot of rewiring to open people up to spiritual truths without the strong mustard of religious doctrines coming up people’s noses. Shame on the religious empire for imposing dead rituals rather than the infallible quantum laws established by God Himself.

All this put aside, simply DECLARE an “offensive attack of positivity and faith” toward whatever medical condition you’re facing and educate others about the power within. The “alternative medicine” of thinking possibilities instead of impossibilities. Yay. WINNING!

For the last nail, read Proverbs 3:1-8.