We’ve talked about the power that we are given to change the course of our life, through our words. This is a power that everyone has, for good or for bad. Jesus knew that principle and consequently He never prayed for God to heal the sick people, rather, He spoke to the sickness itself, or to the demons directly. It is through speaking the WORDS authoritatively that He got rid of demons, sickness, and impossibilities. And that is why He said, “The works that I do, YOU can do also, even greater works.” That is so AWESOME.

That does not mean that He operated on His own. To the contrary, He made it clear that He only did what the Father did. His mission was to accomplish what He had been sent by His Father to do. So, the fact that Jesus healed everyone makes it clear that it is the Father’s will for everyone to be healed.

Payer, incidentally, is not a way for us to get God to do what we want, but rather prayer is a means for God to get us to do what He wants, here on earth. All sickness, illness, impossibilities and ill circumstances are all of the devil and we have been given the power to destroy them. There’s no “if or but” about that. Jesus said, “I have come to DESTROY the works of the devil on earth.” (1 Jn 3:8).  And He gave us His authority to do the same and sent us His Holy Spirit to help us do the same.

Jesus’ goal and purpose in coming to earth was to return “that” which was lost by Adam (Lk 19:10). What was “that” which was lost? Adam had lost the Spirit dwelling with him and consequently, he lost his connection with God and the rulership, the dominion and basically the Kingdom… the King’s dominion. He had been given full dominion over the earth to rule it according to God’s will, “on earth, as it is in heaven”. So Jesus gave us back the rulership. He said, “I give you power over all the power of the devil…”

By conquering death, Jesus conquered the final victory over the devil. Man no longer has to live condemned fatally to sickness and death, depression, addiction and all destruction. That’s why He said, “I am the resurrection and the LIFE, all possibilities are alive in Me.” (Jn 11:25). It sounds so cool when you hear it, but it’s even cooler when you do it and see it.

Last weekend, I had to sell my RV (recreational vehicle). I had it for sale for a little over 2 months, and because some of my cash flow was frozen in this asset, I had to somehow find a buyer. I had so many ads up, and was even paying for marketing and it just wasn’t moving. So, I went to lay my hands on the RV. I first turned on my camera to video to send my wife the video so she could agree with me,  and I spoke to the RV, not to God, but to the problem, and I told it that I wanted it sold. I actually thanked the RV (ha!) for the blessing that it had been to us, but now I wanted it to GO and be a blessing to someone else, and that by the power invested in me, I was ordering it, commanding it with my words, with my out loud voice to be SOLD. It’s our WORDS that have atomic power, not our thoughts.

So, as soon as I sent that video to Linda, she agreed with me. “When two or three AGREE together as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done.”  (Another law of the kingdom.) Both she and I consider it SOLD.

Now listen to this… an hour before, I had downloaded an app called “Telegram” to be in touch with a missionary in Nicaragua. It wasn’t even an hour after my talking out loud to the RV and laying hands on it that I get a message via Telegram from somebody who told me, “Listen, about two months ago I communicated with you about this RV you have for sale, and at the time I wasn’t quite ready to buy, but now I am. And I’d like to purchase it. I’ve looked at the pictures you had sent me then, and it’s just what I need. I trust it’s a good vehicle and that all amenities work like you said they do, so I’m going to send you the money and I’ll come and pick it up next week”.

WOW…As it turns out, the RV is being picked up as we speak. Glory, Glory, Glory. Soooo cool. The power of spoken words mixed with authoritative faith! I have gotten out of debts using the same law. I have started a business using the same law, and I have gotten people healed, using the same law.

So, here’s how it works… You must VISUALIZE the victory, not the problem, but the desired ANSWER, and then using your VOICE, you speak to the problem with authority. You don’t deny it as a fact, but you impose a greater truth on it and you visualize the outcome and believe, again.  BELIEVE that you have it WHEN you say it, and you WILL have it.

Here the actual law, as told by JESUS…. “For verily I say unto you, that whosoever (anyone) shall SAY unto this mountain (problem), be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall NOT DOUBT in his heart, but shall BELIEVE that those things which he SAITH shall come to pass; he shall HAVE whatsoever he SAITH. –Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, WHEN ye pray, BELIEVE that ye receive them, and ye shall HAVE them ” (Mark 11:23). You believe when you pray, not when you see the end result.

Words are seeds. When you put a seed into the ground, you are releasing its POWER. And it’ll do its work. –You can go to bed. It will bring out its harvest in due season. You don’t have to blow on it, talk to it or encourage it. You can consider it DONE. Same with prayer.–Consider it done. And start praising now, as big and as loud as when you’ll actually see it. That’s how faith operates.

There lies the power of prayer. Prayer is not begging God, not “bombarding heaven”, it’s utilizing the AUTHORITY that He has given us and employing the power of His Word to back up our request. Prayer is a legal procedure whereby you present your case, using God’s law as your constitution, the Father hears your case and grants your request in accordance with His own law book.

His Word is an incorruptible seed. Jesus as good as said, “All that I’m telling you is not going to work…. all Christianity’s preaching won’t work unless YOU WORK IT. It’s in the DOING, in taking the authority, in the STANDING in faith, that makes it work. If you’re only a “Sunday hearer”, you might as well forget it. You’re building your house on the sand. Every wind of doctrine, philosophy, psychology, big pharma, news media, and every other doubt and fear will make it crash. But if you do it, then your house stands on a ROCK.” (Mat 7:24). Why? Because you see it WORK. And it’ll stand against anything, because you’ve got the PROOF that it works.

There are as many deviations and interpretations of God’s Word in the Christian world as there are denominations. When people don’t see it work, they come up with an interpretation that suits their justification. And religion is packed-full of doctrines, so much so that Jesus ended up telling the religious Pharisees, “You’ve made the Word of God of NONE effect because of your own doctrines and your traditions of man.” Remember, the rare few times where Jesus got mad, actually furious, was when talking to the religious people who’d turned the Word of God’s Word into rituals, doctrines and traditions.

Jesus constantly made a distinction between the false and the real, by exposing the fake against the true. Not just with prayer (Mat 6:7), but with giving (Lk 18:9-14), condemning others (Jn 8:1-11), helping the destitute (Lk 10:25:37), and in virtually every religious behavior (Mat 23).

The Word of God does work, but only if and when you put it to the test. Faith is like gold, it has to be tested to know it’s real. Faith is the only currency that works in prayer. “Without faith, you cannot please God.”  And faith works it. “Faith without works is dead.”  (James 2:26). That’s why Jesus said that you can’t be only a hearer. It won’t work. You’ve got to stand on faith. A believer is one who acts on what he believes. James said, “You say you believe, but the devil also believes.”

Faith is the only currency with which you can operate in the Kingdom of God. That’s why all impossibilities, all seaming defeats, all battles that were won against all odds in the Bible, were won when people put their trust in only God. God demonstrated His power by winning battles in the weirdest ways, such as with the sound of trumpets or the sound of pots and pans, or by dwindling the numbers in the army, to prove that it’s not by our might, nor by numbers, but by faith, and by His Spirit.

That’s why Jesus came to regain “that” which was lost… the Spirit of God in man. That’s why, immediately after His resurrection, Jesus breathed into His disciples, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit could not be released until the new covenant was in place. And that’s the one thing that Jesus promised. –The Holy Spirit. Jesus told them that they should all wait before going out to spread the Gospel, so that they would all receive the Holy Spirit to emPOWER them.

The Old Testament was the work of God, the New Testament was the work of Jesus. –The present days, the work of the Holy Spirit.

(To be continued)