You Cannot Have Faith Without Authority

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” (HEB 11:6). It is impossible to have faith unless you know who you are in Christ. And it is the Word of God that reveals your true identity (Rom 10:17). Once you know who you are, you realize that you have authority. With the authority that Jesus gives us, our prayer life has definition. It’s not a hit-and-miss repetition of petitions. Once you know you are a child of God, a son of a King, you know you have rights and are consequently empowered to destroy the works of the devil, and you operate with the rulership and dominion spirit that was given to Adam at creation.

Here is a list of the different affirmations in the Bible that confirm who you are in Christ. You may want to print it out and have it where you can see it daily to renew your mind in regards to Who Christ has made you to be and to reaffirm your identity.

I Am, a son of God! Jn.1:12

I Am, a joint heir with Christ! Rom.8:17

I Am, the righteousness of God In Christ! 2 Cor.5:21

I Am, walking as Jesus walked! 1 Jn.2:6

I Am, rulling as He is, in this world! 1 Jn.4:17

I Am, created in Christ unto good works! Eph. 2:10

I Am, a saint! Eph.1:1 & 1 Cor.1:2

I Am, raised up to sit together with Christ! Eph.2:6

I Am, preserved blameless! 1 Thes.5:23

I Am, risen with Christ! Col.3:1

I Am, doing ALL things through Christ! Phil.4:13

I Am, hid with Christ in God! Col.3:3

I Am, going to appear with Him in glory! Col.3:4

I Am, ordained to bear fruit & my fruit remains! Jn 15:16

I Am, holy & without blame before Him in love! Eph.1:4

I Am, reconciled to God! 2Cor.5:18

I Am, have been given the ministry of reconciliation! 2 Cor.5:18

I Am, an Ambassador for Christ! 2 Cor.5:20

I Am, holy & unblameable & unreproveable in His sight! Col 1:22

I Am, predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son! Rom 8:29

I Am, made accepted in the Beloved! Eph.1:6

I Am, an imitator of God! Eph.5:1

I Am, the salt of the earth, Light of the world, & a city set on a hill! Matt.5:13&14

I Am, Abraham’s seed! Gal.3:29

I Am, born from above! Jn.3:3

I Am, a mature son of God! Eph.4:13

I Am, being formed into the image of Christ! Gal.4:19

I Am, no longer alive but Christ lives in me! Gal.2:20

I Am, filled with the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead! Rom.8:11

I Am, doing greater works than Jesus! Jn.14:12